
Knowledge Base

Sending a news release by e-mail - tips & tricks

01/22/2024 | By: FDS

1. Use understandable language, avoid technical jargon and formulate your press release briefly and concisely.

2. Create a short, meaningful headline that reflects the essence of the message.

3. Mention details such as location and time when relevant.

4. Make sure the message is relevant to the target audience.

5. Link to further information where possible.

6. Include a professional logo/photo if possible.

7. Include contact information so journalists or readers can ask questions.

8. Make sure the content of the message is accurate.

9. Compose an email that includes the press release as an attachment.

10. Compose an email that invites the recipient to view the press release.

11. Compose an email inviting the recipient to forward the press release to their contacts.

12. Use a professional email signature with your name, contact information and logo.

13. Include a list of recipients so you can see who received the email.

14. Test the email before you send it to make sure it works properly.

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Lead sources in B2B - where to get your next customers

01/22/2024 | By: FDS

1. Social media channels

2. Search engine marketing

3. E-mail marketing

4. Direct marketing

5. Online advertising

6. Content marketing

7. Telemarketing

8. Trade fairs and events

9. Networks and contacts

10. Competing companies

11. Directories and yellow pages

12. Presentations

13. Customer recommendations

14. Offers to potential customers

15. Media coverage

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Building up a second mainstay alongside your job - How to take the step into self-employment

01/22/2024 | By: FDS

1. Find an idea

Before you build a second leg of your business, you first need to find an idea. Think about whether you want to start something business that you enjoy, or if you want to start a business that can generate additional income for you. Think about possible ideas and figure out how to make them happen.

2. Plan and prepare

Once you have an idea, you should think about how to implement it in a concrete way. Write down your goals and plan your steps. Create a business plan to review your idea and make sure it is profitable. Familiarize yourself with all the requirements and legal regulations that apply to your business.

3. Take your first steps

After you have reviewed your idea and made all the preparations, you can start building your second leg. To do this, you may need to register a business, create a website, or send out a newsletter. Find out about marketing opportunities to build a customer base.

4. Maintain a balance

It is important to keep a balance between your job and your second leg. Therefore, plan your work to ensure that you have enough time for both. Try to complete your tasks as efficiently as possible, and delegate tasks when possible.

5. Maintain perseverance

You will encounter obstacles on your way to becoming an entrepreneur. Do not despair and maintain your optimism. Don't let setbacks stop you and set small, achievable goals to guide you.

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The Role of AI in the Future PR and Marketing Landscape

01/22/2024 | By: FDS

The rapid development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the PR and marketing landscape. Companies are increasingly leveraging AI technologies to communicate more efficiently, implement personalized marketing strategies, and enhance the effectiveness of their PR efforts. This article takes a glimpse into the future role of AI in the PR and marketing landscape.

1. Personalized Customer Engagement

AI enables precise analysis of user data, leading to personalized customer engagement. With algorithms, companies can better understand the behavior of their target audiences and create individualized messages. This promotes customer loyalty and optimizes the brand experience.

2. Automated Content Creation

Thanks to AI technologies, companies can automate their content creation. From generating texts to developing graphics and producing videos, AI-based systems allow more efficient and faster content creation. This is crucial to keep up with the ever-growing demand for relevant content.

3. Data and Trend Analysis

AI provides advanced analysis capabilities for large sets of data. Companies can identify trends using AI algorithms, evaluate the effectiveness of their PR campaigns, and make informed decisions based on data. Precise data analysis is a key factor for the success of marketing and PR strategies.

4. Chatbots for Customer Service

In customer service, AI-driven chatbots play an increasingly important role. They provide quick, accurate, and available-around-the-clock support for customer inquiries. Implementing chatbots improves the efficiency of customer service and ensures a better customer experience.

5. Proactive Crisis Prevention

AI can help proactively detect and prevent potential PR crises. By continuously monitoring social media platforms and other relevant channels, AI can respond to early signs of negative feedback or crisis situations. This allows companies to take timely countermeasures and protect their reputation.

6. Future of Personalized Advertising

The future of personalized advertising lies in the combination of AI and marketing. By analyzing user behavior and preferences, companies can create tailored advertising campaigns. AI enables precise targeting of individual needs, leading to a higher conversion rate.


The role of AI in the future PR and marketing landscape is crucial. From personalized customer engagement to automated content creation and proactive crisis prevention – AI technologies offer diverse opportunities to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of PR and marketing strategies. Companies strategically integrating AI will gain a competitive advantage in an increasingly digitized world.

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Social Media in B2B PR: Successful Strategies for 2024

01/22/2024 | By: FDS

Social media is no longer limited to the B2C sector. In the B2B realm, numerous opportunities arise to increase reach and establish effective Public Relations (PR). This article takes a detailed look at successful social media strategies for B2B PR in the year 2024.

1. Content Marketing with Substance

In the B2B sector, high-quality content is crucial. Companies should produce content that not only informs but also provides clear value. Expert contributions, case studies, and whitepapers can strengthen credibility and encourage interactions.

2. Targeted Audience Engagement

Instead of opting for broad mass communication, B2B companies should precisely define their target audiences and engage with them strategically. Social media provides precise targeting options to deliver content only to relevant decision-makers and professionals.

3. Building Networks on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a key channel for B2B companies. A professional presence, regular updates, and participation in relevant groups can foster network building. Sharing industry-specific knowledge and insights into company developments strengthen the position as an expert.

4. Video Content for Engagement

Video content is gaining significance in the B2B sector as well. Companies can present complex products or services through engaging videos. Interviews with experts, product presentations, or behind-the-scenes glimpses can enhance engagement.

5. Strategic Use of Influencer Marketing

Collaborating with influencers can also be successful in the B2B sector. Industry experts or thought leaders can serve as credible ambassadors. Companies should select influencers who resonate with their target audiences and represent their values.

6. Analysis and Optimization

Regular analysis of social media activities is crucial. Companies should monitor the performance of their posts, interactions, and the development of follower numbers. Based on this data, strategies can be optimized and adjusted.


The use of social media in B2B PR requires a targeted and thoughtful strategy. Through high-quality content, precise audience engagement, LinkedIn network building, video content, strategic influencer marketing, and continuous analysis and optimization, companies can successfully shape their B2B PR on social media platforms and achieve their goals in 2024.

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