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Why most burn money in online marketing

03/02/2023 | By: FDS

There are several reasons why many people lose money in online marketing. Here are some possible factors:

Insufficient knowledge and experience: many people start an online marketing business without having sufficient knowledge and experience in the field. For example, they may focus on a particular strategy or technique without understanding how it can be integrated into a broader marketing plan.

Lack of clear goals and strategies: another reason why many people lose money in online marketing is that they do not have clear goals and strategies. They may start without an elaborate plan and hope that things will take care of themselves.

Competition: competition in online marketing is often fierce and it can be difficult to stand out. If a business is not able to differentiate itself from the competition, it can be difficult to attract customers and be successful in the long run.

Poor targeting: Another common mistake in online marketing is that companies don't know their target audience well enough or target the wrong audience. For example, if a company offers products or services that are not relevant or interesting to a particular target group, it will have difficulty attracting customers.

Lack of measurability and optimization: In online marketing, it is important to measure and constantly optimize results. If a business is unable to measure and optimize its campaigns, it will struggle to improve its effectiveness and save money.

These factors can cause businesses to lose money in online marketing. It is important to consider these factors and develop a clear strategy to be successful in online marketing.

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Creating a sales-boosting landing page - This is what really matters

03/02/2023 | By: FDS

A landing page is a special page on a website that is specifically designed to encourage a particular action from visitors, such as buying a product or filling out a registration form. A sales-boosting landing page is critical to the success of an online business. But what does it really take to create a landing page that actually generates sales?

Clear and understandable message

The message of a landing page must be clear and understandable. The visitor needs to understand what the offer is and how it will benefit them in just a few seconds. Using headlines, subheads, and bullet points can help convey the message clearly and concisely.

Compelling benefits

It's important to describe not only the product or service on the landing page, but also the benefits the customer will receive from it. These should be presented as clearly and concisely as possible. Visualizations such as images and videos can help to make the benefits vivid.


A call-to-action is the button or link that prompts the visitor to perform an action. It should be prominently placed and clearly worded. Clear instructions on how the visitor should proceed are also important to avoid confusion.

Responsive Design

A landing page needs to look and function well on all devices, especially smartphones and tablets. Therefore, the design should be responsive and automatically adjust to the screen size.

Social Proof

Social proof, such as customer reviews or testimonials, can help build a visitor's trust and encourage them to take an action. Therefore, it is important to include these elements on the landing page.

Test and optimize

A landing page is never perfect. It is important to test and optimize different versions to improve the conversion rate. Elements like the headline, the call-to-action or the design can be tested.

Overall, a landing page that sells is crucial to the success of an online business. A clear and understandable message, compelling benefits, a clear call-to-action, a responsive design, social proof and continuous testing and optimization can create a landing page that actually generates sales.

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CSV vs. JSON - What is the difference?

03/02/2023 | By: FDS

CSV and JSON are both file formats for storing and transferring data, but they have different structures and uses.

CSV stands for "Comma Separated Values" and is a text-based format consisting of rows of data separated by commas. Each row usually represents a record, with columns corresponding to the various attributes of the record. CSV files are commonly used to store large amounts of table data or to import and export data between different applications.

JSON stands for "JavaScript Object Notation" and is a text-based format used to transfer data between applications. JSON data is arranged in a structured and hierarchical form that allows you to create complex data models. JSON data consists of key-value pairs enclosed in curly braces and separated by commas. JSON is widely used for data exchange between web applications, APIs, and databases.

Overall, it can be said that CSV files are suitable for simple data exchange, while JSON is used for transferring structured and hierarchical data relevant to applications and APIs.

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What are typical mistakes when distributing press releases?

03/02/2023 | By: FDS

Here are some typical mistakes that companies can make when disseminating press releases:

Not having a clear objective: As with creating the press release, it is important to have a clear objective when it comes to disseminating it. If you don't know what you want to achieve, you won't be able to take targeted action.

Wrong distribution channels: a press release should be distributed through the right channels so that it reaches the right target audience. If you distribute your press release through channels that are not used by your target audience, it will not receive attention.

Insufficient research: if you target the wrong journalists, editors or publications, your press release will not be noticed. Carefully research which journalists and media are relevant in your industry and send your press release to them specifically.

Impersonal address: If you send your press release with a general address such as "Dear Sir or Madam", it will often be ignored. Personalize your address and include the name of the journalist or publication.

Incorrect timing: If you send your press release at an inappropriate time, it may not get noticed. Pay attention to current issues and events in your industry and send your press release at an appropriate time.

Don't follow up: It is important to contact recipients after sending the press release. If you don't follow up, you won't receive any feedback or coverage.

By avoiding these typical mistakes when distributing press releases, companies can increase their chances of successful publication and coverage.

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How to make your brand known with the help of blogging

03/02/2023 | By: FDS

1. Create a blog: Design a logo and choose an appropriate name for your blog. Then create a profile on a blogging platform of your choice and get started.

2. Develop a strategy: Define what topics you will discuss and how you want to represent your brand. Put some thought into the tone and voice you will use.

3. Publish regularly: be consistent and make sure you publish a post at least once a week. This will help your blog to be found better in the search engines.

4. Promote your blog: Spread the word about your blog through social media, email and other channels to attract more readers.

5. Connect your blog with your brand: integrate your blog with your website and online marketing campaigns to get more visibility.

6. Analyze your success: use Google Analytics or another tool to see what kind of audience visits your blog and which articles perform best.

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