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How much does my monthly marketing budget on Google Ads need to be to generate a significant number of inquiries or customers?

03/10/2023 | By: FDS

The size of the monthly Google Ads marketing budget needed to generate a significant number of inquiries or customers depends on several factors, such as the industry, competitors, goals, and target audience.

However, as a rough guide, you can assume that you need a budget of at least a few hundred euros per month to make any noticeable impact at all. For a stronger presence and more inquiries/customers, a higher budget is recommended, which can amount to several thousand euros depending on the industry and competition.

However, it is important to note that the budget alone is not decisive, but also the quality of the ads and keywords as well as the targeting and bidding strategy play an important role. Careful planning and monitoring of the campaign can help to use the marketing budget effectively and achieve a higher return on investment.

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Writing a press release - How to make it work

03/10/2023 | By: FDS

If you want to write a press release, you should follow these steps:

Define target audience: Think about who your target audience is and what interest they might have in your topic.

Formulate core message: Summarize the most important message of your press release in one short sentence. This core message should be repeated throughout the rest of the press release.

Create structure: A press release consists of a headline, a lead, the main body and contact information. Structure your press release accordingly and make sure you include all the important information.

Use understandable language: Write in clear and understandable language that can be understood by non-specialists.

Present facts: Present facts and figures to support your message.

Use quotes: Use quotes from relevant people to reinforce what you are saying.

Formulate call-to-action: Conclude your press release with a clear call-to-action, such as a request to contact you or a reference to more information.

Proofread: Have at least one person proofread your press release to avoid spelling and grammatical errors.

Mailing: Send your press release to relevant media outlets, making sure to include the distribution method and publication date.

A well-written and structured press release can help ensure that your message is picked up and disseminated by relevant media.

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Customer loyalty - How to avoid that your customers "defect" to the competition

03/10/2023 | By: FDS

1. Offer attractive discounts and offers on a regular basis.

2. Provide excellent customer service to your customers.

3. Make sure that your product or service meets the requirements of your customers.

4. Keep your customers informed about new developments and products.

5. Familiarize your customers with new technologies and features.

6. Encourage your customers to share your business with others.

7. Build a community that allows your customers to communicate and share ideas.

8. Allow customers to submit feedback on your product or service on an ongoing basis.

9. Provide an easy and convenient way for your customers to contact you.

10. Take steps to provide a unique experience for your customers.

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How publishers and authors get media visibility for their books and new releases

03/10/2023 | By: FDS

Here are some tips on how publishers and authors can get media visibility for their books and new releases:

Create a list of relevant media: identify relevant media that may be interested in your books or new releases. This includes local and regional newspapers, magazines, radio stations, and television stations.

Write a press release: write a press release that includes key information about your book or new release. Make sure your press release conveys a clear and concise message and is tailored to the interests of your target audience.

Use your contacts: Use your contacts to forward your press release to relevant media outlets. Relationships with journalists and editors can help you get your press release into the right hands.

Offer expert knowledge: Offer your expert knowledge to the media. If your books or new releases are relevant to a particular topic or area, you may be seen as an expert or authority in that field.

Host a book event: host a book event such as a reading, book launch or book signing to attract media attention. Invite local media and promote the event in advance.

Use social media: Use social media to promote your books or new releases and draw attention to your press release. Use hashtags to categorize and share your posts.

Offer review copies: Offer review copies to relevant media outlets, book bloggers and influencers. A positive review can help build interest in your book.

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How can I promote my e-book?

03/10/2023 | By: FDS

Promoting an e-book can be a challenging task, but here are some effective strategies that can help you promote your e-book:

Leverage social media platforms: Social media is an excellent tool to promote your e-book. You can share your e-book on your social media channels and create paid advertisements to target your audience. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are great places to start.

Offer a free chapter or excerpt: You can offer a free chapter or excerpt of your e-book to attract readers. This will give them a taste of what they can expect from the full book and encourage them to purchase it.

Reach out to book bloggers and reviewers: Book bloggers and reviewers can be a great way to get your book in front of a new audience. You can reach out to them and offer a free copy of your e-book in exchange for an honest review.

Use email marketing: Email marketing is an effective way to reach your target audience. You can create an email list and send newsletters to your subscribers about your e-book.

Collaborate with other authors: Collaborating with other authors in your niche can help you reach a wider audience. You can co-author a book, guest post on each other's blogs, or cross-promote your e-books.

Create a website: A website can be a great platform to promote your e-book. You can create a landing page specifically for your e-book and use it to promote it.

Run a contest: You can run a contest on social media or your website where readers can win a free copy of your e-book. This can generate buzz and encourage readers to purchase your e-book.

By using these strategies, you can effectively promote your e-book and reach your target audience.

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