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How should a cold call look like or be structured?

04/25/2023 | By: FDS

A successful cold call requires a clear strategy and a professional approach. Here are some points that should be considered in a cold call to be successful:

Preparation: Before you start the phone call, make sure you are sufficiently informed about the company and the person you want to talk to. Research the company to find out if they already use similar software or databases. Also try to gather information about the contact person to better prepare for the interview.

Start the conversation: begin the call with a friendly greeting and briefly introduce yourself and your company. It's important to make a good impression in the first few seconds to pique the potential customer's interest.

Arouse interest: Ask the potential client about their needs and challenges. Try to find out if the company already uses a similar solution and if they are satisfied with their performance. Show interest in the client's needs and build a relationship.

Presentation: briefly explain how your product or service works and how it meets the client's needs. Also, offer to schedule a demo of the software to give the client a better impression.

Promote the software to the client.

Highlight benefits: Emphasize the benefits and how it can help the client achieve their goals. Point out what specific features or tools your solution offers that others may lack. Also illustrate how your product or service can save the client time and money.

Refute objections: Listen carefully when the potential customer expresses concerns or objections. Try to address these concerns and rebut them by pointing out specific benefits or features.

Call to action.

Call-to-Action: Close the conversation with a clear call to action, such as an invitation to a demo or an offer for a free trial. Make sure to note down all the important information and send it to the customer.

Follow-up: After the phone call, it's important to follow up to make sure the potential customer has all the information they need to make an informed decision. Also, offer to answer any additional questions if needed.

By having a clear strategy, showing interest in the potential client, and highlighting the benefits of your product or service, you can make a successful cold call.

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How to become an actuary:in?

04/24/2023 | By: FDS

To become an actuary:in, there are several paths.

The classical way is to study mathematics or a mathematically oriented course of study such as business mathematics, technomathematics or applied mathematics. Here, it makes sense to specialize in actuarial mathematics and attend appropriate courses and seminars.

The traditional path is to study mathematics or a mathematics-related course such as business mathematics or applied mathematics.

Following this, you can apply for a position in an insurance company, for example, and work there as an actuary or actuarial mathematician. Alternatively, you can also work in a consulting firm with a focus on insurance.

But there are also other opportunities.

But there are also specialized courses of study, such as the master's program in actuarial science at the Technical University of Munich or the bachelor's program in actuarial science at the University of Ulm. These are very practice-oriented courses of study that provide students with extensive knowledge in the field of actuarial science.

To be successful as an actuary:in, you should have a good understanding of mathematics as well as analytical skills and be able to understand and communicate complex relationships.

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Statistics in Online Marketing: How Data Helps to Reach Target Groups Better

04/21/2023 | By: FDS

Today, online marketing is an important part of any successful marketing strategy. The use of data and statistics is essential to better understand target groups and develop successful marketing campaigns. In this article, we will show how statistics are used in online marketing and what advantages this offers.

The collection of data is a crucial factor in online marketing. By analyzing data, target groups can be better understood. For example, information such as age, gender, place of residence and interests can be collected to perform an accurate target group analysis. This helps to develop appropriate marketing messages and to optimize the approach to the target group.

Statistics is an important tool for gaining valuable insights from this data. Statistical methods such as correlation analysis and regression analysis can be used to identify relationships between different data points. For example, correlations between demographic data and buying behavior can be uncovered to develop more targeted marketing messages.

Another important statistical tool in online marketing is A/B testing. Here, a campaign is designed in two variants and presented to the target groups. By comparing the results from both groups, it can be determined which variant was more successful. As a result, adjustments can be made to further optimize the campaign.

The evaluation of web analytics data is also an important part of online marketing. Analyzing metrics such as click-through rate, dwell time and conversion rate helps to better understand user behavior on the website. By using this information, adjustments can be made to improve the user experience and increase conversion rates.


Statistics play an important role in online marketing. Collecting and analyzing data makes it possible to better understand target groups and develop successful marketing campaigns. Statistical methods such as A/B testing and web analytics can be used to make targeted adjustments to improve the user experience and increase conversion rates. Anyone who wants to be successful in online marketing therefore cannot avoid using statistics and data analysis.

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Writing a Press Release - These Steps will get you into the Press

04/20/2023 | By: FDS

A press release is an important tool for attracting the interest of journalists and editors and for reaching a wide audience. A well-written press release can raise a company's profile, announce a new product or promote an important event. Below are steps to help you write a successful press release that can get into the press:

Step 1: Define target audience and message

Before you start writing, be clear about your target audience and message. Think about who your target audience is and what kind of message you want to convey. If you're announcing a new product line, your audience should be consumers and industry professionals. If you are making an important announcement, your audience may consist of the media and the public. It's important to make your message clear and concise.

Step 2: Choose writing style and format

Your press release should be written in a clear, simple style and focus on the most important information. Avoid jargon and use short sentences and paragraphs. Start with a strong headline that grabs readers' attention and put the most important information at the beginning of the text. Use a standardized format consisting of a headline, sub-title, introductory text, body text, and contact information.

Step 3: Refine your message

In your main text, you should describe your message in more detail and highlight important facts, figures, and details. However, avoid going too deep into details as you might lose your readers' attention. Focus on the most important points and make sure you present your message in an understandable and interesting way.

Step 4: Check facts

Before you publish your press release, make sure all the facts are correct. Check all the numbers, dates and facts and make sure you are not spreading false information. It is also important that you correctly spell the names and titles of all people mentioned in the press release.

Step 5: Headline and image selection

Your headline should be short, concise and meaningful. It should pique the reader's interest and encourage them to read the text. Also use appealing images or graphics to support and enhance your press release.

Step 6: Dissemination

Once you have written your press release, you need to distribute it to relevant media and journalists. There are several ways to do this, such as using press portals, contacting relevant journalists, or publishing directly on your own website.

One way to distribute your press release is to use press portals. These provide a platform where companies can publish their press releases and journalists and media can access them. These include, for example, press portals such as PR Newswire, Mynewsdesk or PresseBox. These portals allow you to send your press release to a large number of journalists and increase your reach.

Another option is to contact relevant journalists or editors. For this, you should create a list of journalists who might be of interest to your target group. You can research these via social networks such as LinkedIn or Twitter, for example. Make sure you only contact journalists who might actually be interested in your topic to avoid being perceived as spam.

You can also publish your press release directly on your own website. For this, you should set up a dedicated section on your website where you publish all your press releases. This way, interested parties, including potential customers, can easily find your latest news and announcements.

Step 7: Follow-up

It's important to keep track of the contacts you've reached with your press release. Think about how you can continue to keep your contacts in the loop to maintain interest in your company or organization. For example, you can start an email campaign to keep your contacts informed of future developments.


A well-written press release can help generate interest from journalists and editors and reach a wide audience. It's important to define your target audience and message accurately in advance and focus on the most important information. By using a clear writing style, appealing images and graphics, and fact checking, you can create a successful press release. By using press portals, contacting relevant journalists or publishing on your own website, you can increase your reach and spread your message in a targeted way.

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How in demand are Data Scientists on the job market?

04/19/2023 | By: FDS

Data scientists are currently in high demand on the job market. According to various reports and forecasts, the demand for data science professionals will continue to rise in the coming years.

A study conducted by the job portal Indeed in 2021 found that Data Scientist are currently among the most in-demand jobs. Similar findings have been published in other studies and reports by McKinsey, LinkedIn and others.

The increasing demand for Data Scientists is due to the growing importance of data and data analytics in many industries and businesses. Companies need professionals who can analyze large amounts of data and derive insights from the data to make better decisions and optimize their business processes.

In particular, the demand for Data Scientists is high in industries such as finance, technology, healthcare, e-commerce, and research and development. In these industries, Data Scientists are used to analyze customer behavior, develop predictive models, optimize business processes, and identify patterns and trends.

Overall, it is certain that Data Scientists will continue to be in high demand in the future, as the importance of data and analysis will continue to increase in many industries and companies.

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