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How to get testimonials as a service provider or agency?

06/30/2023 | By: FDS

As a service provider or agency, it's important to get testimonials from satisfied customers to gain the trust of potential clients and strengthen your company's image. Here are some steps you can take to get testimonials from your clients:

Request feedback from your customers:

After completing a project or service, you can ask your customers for feedback by email or phone. Make sure to ask open-ended questions that allow your customers to respond in detail and explain their feedback:

Survey your customers.

Create a survey: create a survey with closed and open-ended questions to get feedback from your customers. You can post this survey on your website or email it to your customers.

Encourage your customers to write testimonials: Directly ask your customers to write a testimonial that you can use on your website or other platforms. You can also give them instructions on how to write the testimonial to make sure it's meaningful.

Use social media platforms: Ask your customers to post a testimonial on your social media channels, and tag your business to make sure it is seen by others.

Use social media to share your testimonial.

Use a review platform: use review platforms such as Google My Business or Trustpilot, where your customers can write a testimonial.

It's important to ask your customers about their experience once the project is complete to ensure the experience is still fresh in their minds. Make sure you showcase the testimonials you receive on your website and other platforms to gain the trust of potential clients.

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Startup Ticker Week 25/2023: 1,791 company startups in Germany

06/29/2023 | By: FDS
During the 25th calendar week of 2023, a total of 1,791 new companies were officially recorded in the commercial register in Germany.
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What are the founding steps?

06/29/2023 | By: FDS

There are various founding steps that are important when founding a company. Here are the key steps:

Develop a business idea: The first step in founding a company is to develop a business idea. The idea should be based on market analysis and be unique.

Create a business plan: The next step is to create a business plan. The business plan includes a description of the business idea, a market analysis, financial planning and a description of the organizational structure.

Choose legal form: An important decision when starting a company is the choice of legal form. There are various options such as sole proprietorship, GmbH or AG.

Secure financing: Starting a business usually requires financing. There are various financing options such as equity, debt or subsidies.

Registration with the trade office: Before founding, the company must be registered with the trade office. The tax identification number and the sales tax ID are also requested here.

Building a business: After registering with the trade office, the company can be set up. Here you have to rent, hire employees and find suppliers.

Marketing and sales: Once the business is built, marketing and sales activities must be started to attract customers.

Controlling: Controlling is necessary to monitor the success of the company. Key figures such as turnover and profit are monitored here and appropriate measures are taken to keep the company on track.

The exact steps may vary by industry and legal entity, but these are the basic steps when starting a business.

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How high should the CPM be in online marketing?

06/28/2023 | By: FDS

The CPM (thousand-contact price) in online marketing can vary greatly depending on various factors. There is no set rule or standard amount for the CPM, as it depends on many different variables. Here are some factors that can affect the CPM:

Target audience: the type of audience you are trying to reach can affect the CPM. For example, it may be more expensive to target a specific and high-value audience.

Ad format: the ad format you choose also plays a role. Different formats such as display ads, video ads, search engine advertising, or native advertising have different cost structures.

Platform: The choice of advertising platform influences the CPM. Well-known platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or LinkedIn Ads have different pricing models and price ranges.

Demand and supply: the CPM is also influenced by the demand and supply in the advertising market. When demand for advertising space is high and supply is limited, this can lead to higher CPM prices.

Seasonal fluctuations: In some industries, there are seasonal fluctuations that can affect CPM. Prices may be higher during peak periods or at certain times of the year.

It is important to note that CPM is not the sole measure of the success of an advertising campaign. Other factors such as campaign objectives, targeting, and ad effectiveness also play an important role.

It's best to conduct a comprehensive analysis of your specific requirements, target audiences and budgets, and then set an appropriate CPM accordingly. It can be helpful to consult with experts in online marketing to make an informed decision.

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What is the CPM (thousand contact price) and how much is it (examples)?

06/28/2023 | By: FDS

The thousand-contact price (CPM) is a key figure from the field of marketing and advertising. It indicates how much money an advertiser has to pay to reach a thousand people with his advertising message. The CPM is often used in media planning to evaluate the costs of an advertising campaign and to compare different advertising media with each other.

The exact CPM depends on several factors, including the advertising medium chosen, the target audience, the reach, the type of advertising and other factors. There is no set amount for the CPM, as it can vary greatly.

Here are some examples of possible CPM values in different advertising media:

Television: The CPM for commercials on television can vary widely depending on the station, the time of broadcast and the target audience. For example, it can range between 10 euros and 100 euros.

Print media: For print ads in magazines or newspapers, the CPM can also vary greatly. It can range from a few euros to several dozen euros, depending on the print run, placement and readership.

Online advertising: In online advertising, CPM values are often lower than in traditional media. They can range from a few cents to several euros, depending on factors such as the type of ad, the platform, the target audience, and the ad format.

In online advertising, CPM values are often lower than in traditional media.

It is important to note that these are only rough estimates and actual CPM values can vary widely in practice. The exact costs should be determined in consultation with the advertising marketers or agencies, as they know the current prices and conditions best.

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