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ChatGPT soon bankrupt? Cost explosion due to high energy costs

08/15/2023 | By: FDS

Experts warn that OpenAI is at risk of bankruptcy due to the high fixed costs for the chatbot ChatGPT. The company's user numbers plummeted in the summer. CEO Sam Altman had already pointed out the chatbot's high operating costs in December 2022, which have risen to $700,000 a day. Despite these costs, the chatbot is not yet profitable.

OpenAI's losses doubled to $540 million in May 2023. A Microsoft investment of ten billion dollars is helping to stabilize the situation for now. However, it is unclear how long this financial support will last.

In addition, OpenAI is suffering from a decline in user numbers. Chatbot ChatGPT saw a twelve percent drop in users within a month. The number of users dropped from 1.7 billion in June to 1.5 billion in July, according to SimilarWeb.

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Was sind Zielsetzungen und Schlüsselergebnisse (OKR)?

08/15/2023 | By: FDS

Objectives and Key Results (OKR) is a framework for setting and tracking goals and their outcomes in organizations, businesses, and teams. It was developed by Intel in the 1970s and later popularized by companies such as Google. OKR is used to improve the alignment, measurability, and tracking of goals, thereby improving an organization's performance and success.

The structure of OKR consists of two main components:

Objectives: These are clear and concise statements of what an organization or team wants to achieve. Objectives in an OKR framework are typically aspirational, inspirational, and intended to reflect the vision and strategic priorities.

Key Results: Key Results are measurable outcomes that quantify whether and how well a goal was achieved. They provide clear criteria for evaluating the progress and success of a goal. Key Results are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART criteria).

Typically, a team or individual sets multiple goals (Objectives) and for each goal, multiple associated Key Results. Key Results are usually associated with specific numbers or metrics that can be used to track progress. OKR cycles are typically quarterly or annual, meaning that Objectives and Key Results are reviewed and updated periodically to ensure that the organization is on track.

OKR promotes transparency, alignment and focus in an organization. It enables teams and individuals to focus their work on the most important goals while making progress and results visible. It is important to note that OKR promotes a culture of openness to goal achievement and learning. It encourages tackling goals boldly, even if not all Key Results are always achieved 100% of the time, and learning from the experience to continuously improve.

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What is data sourcing?

08/15/2023 | By: FDS

Data acquisition refers to the process of collecting information or data from various sources. This process is critical in many fields, including science, research, business, technology, and more. Data can come from a variety of sources, such as surveys, measurements, observations, experiments, social media, public records, sensors, business data, and many others.

Data sourcing typically involves several steps:

Determine the goal: Clearly define what type of data you need and why. What questions do you want to answer? What hypotheses do you want to test?

Source selection: Identify the appropriate sources from which to obtain the data you need. These can be structured databases, unstructured text, images, audio, or other types of information.

Data collection: collect data according to your target specifications. This can be done through manual data entry, web scraping, sensors, surveys, or other methods.

Data cleaning: Review the collected data for errors, outliers, missing values, and inconsistent information. Clean the data to ensure it is suitable for analysis or application.

Data integration: If you are collecting data from multiple sources, it may need to be integrated in order to analyze or use it in a coherent form.

Data processing: this step involves transforming the raw data into a form suitable for analysis or applications. This may involve aggregation, transformation, normalization, or other methods.

Data analysis: perform analysis to extract patterns, trends, or insights from the collected data. This may include statistical analysis, machine learning, or other techniques.

Communicating results: usually prepare and present the findings or results obtained to make them available to other people or systems.

The quality of data acquisition and processing has a direct impact on the accuracy and reliability of the conclusions that can be drawn from the data collected. It is important to be careful and methodical in order to obtain meaningful results.

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What is product research?

08/14/2023 | By: FDS

Product research is the process of gathering information, analyzing data, and conducting investigations to understand various aspects of a product's potential or existing market. It is a critical step in the product development and marketing lifecycle, aimed at making informed decisions about creating, improving, or launching a product.

Product research involves several key components:

Market Analysis: This involves studying the target market, including demographics, preferences, behaviors, and trends. Understanding the needs and desires of the target audience helps in creating a product that meets their demands.

Competitor Analysis: Examining similar products offered by competitors is essential to identify gaps in the market, potential differentiators, and areas for improvement. This analysis helps in positioning the new product effectively.

Consumer Insights: Collecting feedback and opinions from potential or existing customers provides valuable insights into their pain points, preferences, and expectations. Surveys, focus groups, and interviews are common methods for gathering consumer insights.

Technical Feasibility: Assessing the technical feasibility of producing the product is important. This involves understanding the required technology, resources, and expertise needed to develop and manufacture the product.

Financial Analysis: Determining the cost of production, pricing strategies, and projected revenue helps in evaluating the financial viability of the product. This analysis also considers potential risks and returns on investment.

Legal and Regulatory Research: Researching applicable laws, regulations, and standards is crucial to ensure the product complies with safety, quality, and other legal requirements.

Prototype and Testing: Developing prototypes and conducting testing helps in evaluating the product's functionality, user experience, and potential issues before launching it to the market.

Feedback Iteration: Throughout the research process, it's important to iterate based on the feedback and insights gathered. This ensures that the product aligns with market needs and addresses any shortcomings.

Product research ultimately aims to minimize risks associated with launching a new product and increase its chances of success by making informed decisions based on solid data and insights. It guides the product development team in creating a product that meets customer needs, stands out in the market, and generates value for both the business and its customers.

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Should you offer your services to test customers at a lower price or for free in order to build up ratings and testimonials?

08/14/2023 | By: FDS

There are pros and cons to offering services at discounted or free rates to build testimonials and reviews.

On the one hand, discounted or free services can attract more potential customers who are willing to try your services and possibly provide positive reviews and testimonials. These reviews and testimonials can then, in turn, help you gain the trust of other potential customers.

On the flip side, however, discounted or free services may also cause customers to not adequately appreciate the quality of your services and thus may be less willing to pay full prices later. In addition, free services may also result in customers taking up your time and resources without adequately compensating you.

If you decide to offer discounted or free services to build reviews and testimonials, make sure you set clear terms and conditions to ensure customers have reasonable expectations and you are still compensated appropriately. In addition, it's important to make sure you treat your customers the same as paying customers to ensure your reviews and testimonials are fair and representative.

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