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Google Ads sets auto-optimized CPC for Shopping campaigns and relies on Performance Max and AI updates

08/15/2023 | By: FDS
Google Ads will stop using auto-optimized cost-per-click (ECPC) for Shopping campaigns in October 2023. Advertisers will be able to use alternative formats like Performance Max instead, with Google hinting at upcoming AI updates for Shopping. ECPC was introduced about ten years ago, but due to more efficient bidding strategies, this option is no longer supported. Shopping campaigns using ECPC will behave similarly to manual CPC campaigns starting in October. Google recommends advertisers to use other bidding strategies like target ROAS, "maximize conversions" and "maximize conversion value". Performance Max campaigns will receive personalized recommendations and AI-generated content in the future thanks to Gen AI features.
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Microsoft Azure ChatGPT enables enterprises to use ChatGPT on their own network

08/15/2023 | By: FDS

Microsoft has taken a significant step to increase business efficiency by introducing Microsoft Azure ChatGPT. This innovative solution enables organizations to seamlessly integrate ChatGPT into their internal networks. This development promises to streamline workflows by leveraging ChatGPT's capabilities, including code correction and content editing.

Microsoft has released Azure ChatGPT as an open source project on GitHub and provides private Azure hosting for this purpose. This approach makes it effortless for companies to integrate ChatGPT, especially those already using the Azure platform.

ChatGPT, the AI-driven language model that has garnered global attention, is now a critical tool for professionals around the world. Its applications range from boosting productivity to being used as a creative assistant. The enterprise variant of ChatGPT, offered through ChatGPT on Azure Solution Accelerator, mirrors the familiar user experience and is deployed as an exclusive internal resource.

Detailed instructions for deploying Microsoft Azure ChatGPT can be found in the GitHub repository and provide a comprehensive guide to installation and deployment.

Leveraging the benefits of Microsoft Azure ChatGPT.

According to the developers, the adoption of Microsoft Azure ChatGPT offers multiple benefits for organizations looking to streamline their operations.

Among the key benefits are:

Privacy guarantee: Microsoft Azure ChatGPT has robust privacy safeguards that ensure sensitive information remains secure and isolated from external entities such as OpenAI.

Advanced Control: Enterprises gain full control over network traffic and can restrict interactions to their internal network.In addition, the integration includes enterprise-level security measures for comprehensive protection.Increased value: The solution enables organizations to derive additional value from internal data sources by enabling seamless integrations.Customizable plug-ins facilitate integration with on-premises services such as ServiceNow, fostering an ecosystem that meets the unique needs of the organization.

Adding value: The solution enables organizations to derive additional value from internal data sources by enabling seamless integrations.

Customizable plug-ins facilitate integration with on-premises services such as ServiceNow, fostering an ecosystem that meets the unique needs of the organization.

The Microsoft Azure ChatGPT initiative represents a notable step toward harnessing the potential of AI for internal workflows. By introducing an enterprise-centric variant of ChatGPT, Microsoft is not only aiming to increase productivity, but also provide organizations with a customized, controlled and private AI experience that meets their operational needs.

As the business world evolves, technologies like Microsoft Azure ChatGPT are becoming integral tools for companies looking to stay ahead in the competitive landscape. With the solution's flexibility, security, and integration capabilities, businesses are given the opportunity to unlock new potential in their efforts.

For companies looking to optimize their operations using the power of AI-driven voice processing, Microsoft Azure ChatGPT proves to be a compelling solution that offers privacy, control and value enhancement in one comprehensive package.

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German startups lead the way in innovative technologies: Almost 50% already use AI

08/15/2023 | By: FDS

In terms of technology adoption and innovation, German startups play a decisive role, as a recent study by the digital association Bitkom shows. The survey of 203 technology startups from Germany makes it clear that artificial intelligence (AI) and Big Data occupy the top positions. Currently, 53 percent of the startups surveyed use Big Data and data analytics, while 49 percent rely on AI. These trends are expected to continue to grow as they top the list of technologies that startups are considering - 39 percent are thinking about adopting AI, and 31 percent intend to use Big Data and data analytics.

Compared to the overall economy, startups clearly set themselves apart from established companies. Across the economy, only 15 percent are using AI, while another 25 percent have plans to use it or are discussing it. For data analytics, the share in the overall economy is 39 percent, and for discussions about it, 37 percent.

Bitkom President Ralf Wintergerst welcomes this development and predicts that startups will help make AI and Big Data more accessible to small businesses and SMEs. He emphasizes that these technologies will not only be used, but also further developed to bring new products and services to market.

To promote the spread of AI applications from the startup sector, Bitkom points to the AI voucher for small and medium-sized enterprises envisaged in the German government's startup strategy.

In addition, technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G and 3D printing are emerging on the startup scene.However, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), blockchain and the metaverse are still in the development and discussion phase.While only 8 percent of startups are currently using VR/AR, 22 percent are planning or discussing its use. The situation is similar for Blockchain, which is used by 5 percent of startups but planned or discussed by 22 percent.For the Metaverse, 3 percent of startups are already users, while 15 percent are planning or discussing its use.

Wintergerst emphasizes that while technologies such as the Metaverse, VR/AR and blockchain have been discussed for some time, their breakthrough has yet to occur. Companies are encouraged to closely follow developments in the startup space and gain their own experience with these technologies early on.

Other technologies such as drones, robotics, autonomous driving and quantum computing play a lesser role in the German startup scene. Nevertheless, some startups are also discussing or planning future use here.

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German Startup Monitor 2023: Business Climate and Investments in the German Startup Ecosystem

08/15/2023 | By: FDS

The latest German Startup Monitor report for 2023 shows a declining sentiment in the German startup ecosystem. With a value of 38.1 points, the startup business climate is 14.1 points below the value of 2021 and close to the second lowest level since the pandemic shock of 2020. This negative development is confirmed by 65% of the founders:inside, who have difficulties in assessing the future situation.

The willingness of business angels and VC funds to invest in startups is rated as good by only 15% of the Gründer:innen.As a result, 23% of startups have postponed planned financing rounds.A trend toward profitability is also evident.

Despite the many challenges, only 15% of startups have laid off employees in the past year. The Berlin ecosystem in particular has been hit harder, with 24% of Berlin startups cutting jobs.

The business situation is described as difficult to assess by 65% of the startups surveyed. Assessments of the current business situation are at their lowest point since the start of the Corona pandemic in 2020, and while business expectations are rising slightly, they are still well below the level of 2021.

Investment activity in German startups has declined noticeably compared to the records set in 2021 and the first half of 2022. Nevertheless, it is above pre-Corona levels. Larger financing rounds above €250 million have become rare, indicating continued uncertainty in the investment environment.

The respondents show a skeptical attitude towards the investment readiness of business angels and VC funds, with only 15% rating it as good.Nevertheless, 38% of the founders expect better investment conditions in the coming six months.

Despite the challenges, most startups did not lay off any employees last year and are focusing on further growth. Especially in Berlin, a more late-stage and funding-dependent ecosystem, job cuts and adjustments are more common.

The report makes clear that startups remain important engines for the German economy despite the difficult situation. The findings are based on a broad database of 1,825 startups surveyed between May and July 2023. This report is a preview of the German Startup Monitor 2023, which will be published on Sept. 25, 2023. The study was prepared in collaboration with the Startup Association, PwC Germany and Prof. Dr. Tobias Kollmann from the University of Duisburg-Essen (netSTART)

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