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Creating a press review - This must be observed from a legal point of view

08/21/2023 | By: FDS

A press review helps companies, organizations and public institutions to get an overview of the reporting in various media. It offers the opportunity to track one's own presence in the press and to control public perception. However, when creating a press review, certain legal aspects must be observed in order to protect copyright, data protection and personal rights.

1. Observe copyrights:

When preparing a press review, it is important to respect the copyright of the media content in question. Copying and posting articles, or excerpts thereof, without proper permission from the copyright holders may constitute copyright infringement. In order to be on the safe side legally, you should adhere to the principles of the right to quote. This means that you may only use short excerpts that are relevant to the press review, and you must always correctly state the source.

2. References and references:

Each media contribution used in the press review must be provided with correct source information. This applies to both print media and online articles. The information should be as precise as possible and include information such as author, title, publication date, publication name and URL, if applicable. Exact source information ensures transparency and strengthens the credibility of the press review.

3. Data protection and personal rights:

When preparing a press review, you must be careful not to use personally identifiable information or sensitive information that could invade the privacy of individuals. This applies in particular to private contact data, health information or confidential personal details. Comply with data protection laws, particularly the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and avoid using content that could unreasonably embarrass or defame individuals.

4. Obtain usage rights:

If you hire an external service provider to create the press review, make sure that you have the necessary usage rights to use the media content. This applies to the rights to the texts as well as to images or graphics. Clarify in advance with the authors or publishers how the content may be used and whether license fees may apply.

5. Self-interest and transparency:

A press review often serves to increase your own visibility and reputation. Make sure that the press review is not misleading and gives a realistic picture of the reporting. Avoid selectively selecting reports to create a distorted picture. Transparent representations contribute to credibility.

All in all, it is important to pay close attention to the legal framework when creating a press review in order to avoid legal conflicts and to maintain the integrity of the press review. Research the current laws and regulations relating to copyright, data protection and privacy rights to ensure you are acting in accordance with the law.

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Why do most B2B online marketing campaigns that are launched fail?

08/21/2023 | By: FDS

The failure of B2B online marketing campaigns can be due to various factors. Here are some common reasons why most B2B online marketing campaigns fail:

Obscure Objectives: If the campaign objectives are not clearly defined or are too vague, it becomes difficult to measure success and take the right actions.

Lack of audience analysis: If the company does not properly understand the target audience or does insufficient research, the marketing message may not reach or engage the right people.

Ineffective content strategy: The content of a campaign is crucial. If the content isn't relevant, informative, or engaging, it won't resonate with the audience and may not elicit action.

Weak conversion strategy: Driving traffic to the website is not enough. It's just as important to have a clear conversion strategy to convert visitors into customers. If this strategy is absent or ineffective, there will be no success.

Lack of integration of marketing channels: B2B online marketing should integrate different channels such as email marketing, social media, content marketing and search engine optimization to ensure a consistent and effective campaign.

Insufficient budget: If the budget for the campaign is limited, this can limit the reach and effectiveness of marketing activities.

Poor user experience: A confusing website, slow loading times or a complicated checkout process can put off potential customers.

Lack of measurement and analysis: Without thorough analysis and measurement of campaign performance, it is difficult to identify strengths and weaknesses and adjust strategy accordingly.

Strong competitive landscape: In some B2B markets, competition can be very fierce, making it difficult to differentiate yourself.

Seasonality and Market Trends: B2B companies can be affected by seasonal fluctuations or changes in market trends, which can impact the success of their marketing campaigns.

In order to run more successful B2B online marketing campaigns, it is important to consider thorough planning, audience analysis, content strategy, conversion optimization and continuous measurement and adjustment. It's also good practice to monitor and incorporate current marketing trends and best practices in the industry.

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Rising number of doctoral students at German universities in 2022

08/19/2023 | By: FDS

The number of doctoral students at German universities reached a new high in 2022 with a total of 205,300 people. This means an increase of 2% compared to the previous year, as the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) announced today. The data also show a notable gender distribution as well as interesting trends across disciplines.

The doctoral landscape in Germany reflects a balanced gender distribution. The proportion of women among doctoral students remained stable at 48% (98,400 people), while the proportion of men was 52% (106,900 people). The age structure of the doctoral students also showed differences: the average age was 30.3 years, with male doctoral students at 30.7 years being almost a year older than their female colleagues at 29.9 years. The proportion of foreign doctoral candidates is also impressive, at 23% (48,100 people).

Within the departments, the subject group human medicine/health sciences is the largest group with a share of 26% (54,000 people). This is followed by mathematics and natural sciences with 23% (47,200 people), engineering with 18% (37,600 people) and law, economics and social sciences with 16% (33,600 people).

The gender-specific distribution varied significantly depending on the department. In engineering, for example, around 78% of doctoral students were men, while in the subject group art, art science 66% were women. In terms of absolute numbers, men dominated engineering with 29,200 doctoral students, while women dominated with 33,300 doctoral students in the human medicine/health sciences subject group.

A look at the number of beginners shows that 16% (33,100 people) of doctoral students in 2022 were enrolled at a German university for the first time. This represents a decrease of 9% compared to 2021. The average age of the first doctoral students was 26.9 years, with male beginners at 27.2 years being slightly older than females at 26.6 years. Around 27% (8,800 people) of first-time doctoral students were foreign nationals.

Interestingly, PhD activity was concentrated in just four universities, which together hosted 16% of PhD students. At the top of this list were the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and the Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg, each with 8,900 doctoral students, followed by the Technical University of Munich (8,500) and the Technical University of Aachen (7,300). The Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University of Bonn (6,500) and the Technical University of Dresden (6,400) also recorded significant doctoral activity.

This data comes from the doctoral statistics, which has been in operation since 2017 and records all ongoing doctoral projects at German universities. Since the statistics were still under construction before 2020, no comparable data is available for previous years.

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New record: Hamburg records historically high number of business start-ups in first half of 2023

08/18/2023 | By: FDS

The Hamburg economy is experiencing a veritable start-up boom, according to a recent press release from the Statistical Office North. In the first half of 2023, 2,847 new businesses were founded in the Hanseatic city - an increase of a remarkable 18 percent compared to the same period last year. This not only represents a remarkable increase, but also marks a historic high since records began in 2008.

The dynamic development on the start-up market is not only reflected in the high start-up figures, but also in a positive balance of business start-ups and closures. A total of 1,568 more businesses were founded than discontinued. This positive difference underscores the strength and attractiveness of Hamburg as a business location.

Although the reasons for the increase may be manifold, it is striking that the propensity to start a business varies across Hamburg's districts. Business startup rates range from 0.6 in the Bergedorf district to a remarkable 4.2 in Hamburg-Mitte. The situation is particularly remarkable in the district of Hamburg-Mitte, where the number of business start-ups increased by more than 60 percent within one year. This could indicate a special dynamic in this district, which is characterized by entrepreneurial innovation and economic growth.

In order for a business start-up to be recorded in the statistics, certain criteria must be met. These include, for example, the legal form of the business or the number of employees. Businesses founded by natural persons can also be included in the statistics, provided they are entered in the commercial register, employ staff or have a craftsman's card at the time of foundation. The statistics thus provide an insight into those start-ups that are particularly relevant due to their economic significance.

A look at the number of start-ups per 1,000 inhabitants shows that 1.5 businesses were founded per 1,000 people in Hamburg. This figure illustrates the breadth of start-up activity within the city.

The development of business start-ups in Hamburg in the first half of 2023 not only shows a pleasing increase, but also points to the city's vibrant and diverse business landscape. The positive development of the start-up market could lead to a further strengthening of Hamburg's economy in the coming months and years and create new opportunities for entrepreneurs.

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Decline in the German parcel market after nine years of growth

08/18/2023 | By: FDS

The German parcel market has seen a decline in deliveries for the first time since 2013. According to research by Pitney Bowes, an international postal services provider, parcel shipments in this country fell nearly 7 percent year-on-year to 4.2 billion. This is partly due to normalization after the surge during the corona pandemic.

Industry leader DHL, a subsidiary of Deutsche Post, lost nearly 9 percent of its market share. Other companies such as Hermes, GLS, UPS and DPD also saw slight declines. In U.S. dollar terms, the overall German parcel market shrank 12.9 percent to $25 billion.

This development is attributed to weak consumer sentiment in Germany and a decline in online sales. Year-on-year, online sales fell 12.2 percent to 19.17 billion euros in Q2 2023.

In contrast, the global parcel market nevertheless saw growth of 1 percent to 161 billion shipments, with India standing out with an 18 percent increase. DHL has benefited from this boom in India after it acquired Blue Dart, an Indian delivery company, in 2006.

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