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Plagued by job frustration: One in two job changers quits within a year, as XING study suggests

08/22/2023 | By: FDS

According to a recent study by the jobs network XING in collaboration with the market research institute Appinio, every second German quits his job within the first year. The reasons for this frustrating trend not only shed light on individual motives, but also reveal deeper problems in the local work culture.

There is often a wide gap between expectations and reality. Around three quarters of people in Germany have already been dissatisfied with a new job at some point, the study shows. But what is particularly remarkable is that 80 percent of those surveyed who quit their job in the first year do not regret this step. This apparent contradiction suggests a complex tension between working conditions and personal feelings.

The study identifies two main reasons for early quits: A salary perceived as too low and dissatisfaction with the manager. Both factors were cited as driving motives by 43 percent of respondents. Likewise, inappropriate or poor team cultures (34 percent) contribute to employees leaving their jobs early.

But it is not only financial aspects that influence job satisfaction. Dissatisfaction with work tasks (34 percent), excessive stress levels (30 percent) and excessive overtime (26 percent) also play a significant role. Dr. Julian Stahl, labor market expert at XING, emphasizes that it is often a combination of reasons that causes employees to change jobs after a short period of time.

Interestingly, differences between genders and generations emerge. Men are more likely to feel moved to quit because of a salary that is too low, while women have more nuanced motivations, such as dissatisfaction with their manager or the team culture. Generation Y is more inclined to quit early, while older generations such as baby boomers tend to hang on longer.

The consequences of this turnover should not be underestimated. In addition to personal consequences for employees and employers, the high number of early terminations leads to additional effort and costs. Dr. Julian Stahl emphasizes the "economic damage" caused by these frictional losses.

However, the study also offers possible solutions. Personalized job searches via XING, for example, enable users to communicate their wishes and requirements for an employer in a more targeted manner. This should help to ensure that candidates and employers are a better match. Active and passive job seekers alike can benefit from this new feature.

At a time when the job market is becoming increasingly dynamic, employers should be more responsive to the needs of their employees to minimize turnover. Ultimately, the study shows that better alignment between employees and employers not only promotes individual satisfaction, but also the country's economic stability.

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Inflation 6.2%: Inflation Rates and Effects on Different Income Levels

08/22/2023 | By: FDS

Analysis of price developments and their impact on different income groups

Recent inflation rates of 6.2% highlight the economic challenges consumers are facing. However, the impact of inflation is not the same for all income groups. A detailed analysis, which takes into account the weighting of expenses for different categories, shows how different the burden can be depending on the income level.

Housing costs: A significant part of the budget

For incomes of €1500, €2000 and €2500 net, housing costs take up the largest part of the budget, which is weighted at 33%. The costs for rent, mortgages or ancillary costs are therefore decisive for the standard of living. With an income of €1500, the housing costs already account for €495, which represents a significant part of the budget. With higher incomes, this amount increases accordingly.

Transport: increasing mobility costs

The Transportation category, with a weighting of 13%, includes vehicle, fuel and transportation costs. With the recent price hike of 6%, people on lower incomes in particular may feel an increase in mobility costs. With an income of €1500, this corresponds to an additional charge of €11.70 per month.

Food and beverages: Basic needs more expensive

Food and beverage spending (10% weighting) is critical for all income groups. With a price increase of 11% compared to the previous year, consumers can budget for higher expenses for their basic needs. With an income of €1500, this means additional monthly costs of €16.50.

Entertainment and culture: Leisure activities are becoming more expensive

The entertainment, leisure and culture category (11% weighting) also shows price increases of 6%. Spending on activities such as cinema, concerts or sporting events could increase. With an income of €1500, this corresponds to a monthly additional burden of €9.90.

Impact on different income brackets

The above examples illustrate how inflation affects different income brackets. Lower-income people tend to be more affected by price increases because they have to spend a larger proportion of their budget on basic needs. An increase of 6.2% in different categories can result in additional monthly expenses of around €60 for an income of €1500, while the impact is less noticeable for an income of €2500.

It is important to consider these differences in the burden of inflation when policymakers and economists analyze the impact of price increases. Managing inflation and implementing policies to support lower-income households can help offset the financial burden and mitigate social inequalities.

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Career changer in IT? Why bloody programming beginners are NOT in demand on the job market

08/22/2023 | By: FDS

In times of digital change, the IT industry is booming, and with it the demand for qualified specialists is growing. Lateral entry into information technology may seem tempting at first glance, but despite the alleged shortage of skilled workers, absolute beginners in the IT industry often encounter barriers. This article examines the reasons why inexperienced career changers are only in limited demand on the job market.

Challenges for career changers in IT

The IT industry has developed into an important driver of the economy and offers numerous career opportunities for specialists. The so-called "War for Talents" has prompted companies to find innovative ways to attract qualified employees. Nevertheless, career changers who want to enter the IT industry often face significant challenges.

1. Specific expertise and know-how

The IT world is known for its rapid development and constant change. In order to be successful in this dynamic environment, professionals need a deep understanding of programming languages, system architectures, databases and much more. Absolute beginners often do not have the necessary expertise and time to acquire this knowledge.

2. Lack of practical experience

Another obstacle for career changers is the lack of practical experience. Employers often require that applicants already have relevant projects and work samples to demonstrate their skills. This represents a major hurdle for newbies in the field of IT.

3. Fast innovation cycles

The IT industry is characterized by its rapid development and short innovation cycles. This means that even established professionals must constantly learn to stay up to date. It can be difficult for career changers to keep up with this pace.

4. Team dynamics and collaboration

IT work is often team-based, as complex projects require close collaboration. Career changers who come from completely different industries not only need to develop technical skills, but also be able to work effectively in interdisciplinary teams.

5. Relevance of certificates and degrees

Although the IT field is known for its openness to self-taught knowledge, formal qualifications such as degrees and certificates are still of great importance. Lateral entrants often have difficulties in meeting these requirements.

Conclusion: The path to IT requires specific preparation

Entering the IT industry from a different angle is undoubtedly possible, but requires extensive preparation and the will to continue training. The challenges for absolute beginners are real, but by no means insurmountable. A solid foundation in relevant skills, practical experience and a willingness to constantly adapt to new developments are essential.

Companies could also help facilitate the integration of lateral entrants by offering targeted training programs and internships to ease their transition into the IT industry. After all, a balanced mix of experienced specialists and motivated career changers could further strengthen the innovative power of the industry.

It is important to realize that the path into the IT industry, especially for complete beginners, can be challenging. But with the right approach, commitment and support, career changers could also make a valuable contribution to the dynamic world of information technology.

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How can I send press releases to press agencies?

08/22/2023 | By: FDS

Sending press releases to press agencies is a common practice to get your news and information out to members of the media. Here are some steps that can help you do this:

Create a powerful press release: make sure your press release is well-structured and includes all the important information that is relevant to media representatives. A press release should include a clear headline, a summary of the main topic, the actual news text and contact information at the end.

Gather relevant press agencies: research which press agencies are relevant to your topic or industry. You can consider regional, national or international agencies, depending on who you want to reach.

Find the right contact information: make sure you identify the correct contact information for each press agency. This includes email addresses or specific contacts responsible for receiving press releases.

Personalize your approach: write a customized email to each contact and make sure you spell the recipient's name correctly. A personalized address increases the likelihood that your press release will be read.

Send your press release: Send your press releases by e-mail to the selected press agencies. Either include the news text directly in the email or add it as an attachment. Make sure your email is not too long and that the relevant information is clearly highlighted.

Follow up: A few days after sending your press release, you can send a short follow-up email to check if the agency received your release and if they have further interest in it.

Online releases: In addition to sending it out via email, you can also post your press release on your own website and social media.This will increase the chances that it will be found and picked up by journalists and bloggers.It is important that your press releases contain relevant and interesting information so that they attract the interest of press agencies.Be concise, clear and avoid overly promotional language. Also keep in mind that the decision to pick up a press release depends on the press agencies and is not guaranteed.

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Google's advertising revenues under scrutiny: record figures and forecast for the coming years

08/22/2023 | By: FDS

Google, the giant of the internet, has not only established itself as an indispensable search engine, but also as the market leader in the advertising business. But how will the company's advertising revenue develop in the coming years? An analysis of the data from 2001 to 2022 not only provides insights into Google's past success, but also enables a well-founded forecast for the future.

Explosive Growth and Critical Considerations

From a modest $70 million in 2001, Google's advertising revenue grew to a staggering $224.47 billion in 2022. While these numbers are undoubtedly impressive, it's imperative to also consider critical aspects to get a comprehensive image.

Challenges for the future: dependency on advertising revenue

Dependence on advertising revenue can be a double-edged sword for Google. The dynamic nature of the digital advertising industry, changing privacy regulations, and growing pressure for transparency could impact revenue. Data protection and user privacy issues could impact Google's ability to serve personalized ads and reduce revenue.

Innovation as the key to the future: Prognosis for the next few years

Let's look to the next few years: Based on the trends so far and considering the challenges, Google could see moderate growth in the next 2 years (2023-2025). A forecast of $240 to $250 billion in advertising revenue by 2025 would be realistic given the current factors. Privacy regulations may continue to play a role as technology integration and differentiated advertising propositions drive growth.

Looking ahead five years (2028): new technologies and greater diversification

By 2028, Google could increase its advertising revenue to between 270 and 290 billion US dollars. Technological advances such as augmented reality-based ads and improved integration of AI could enable greater user interaction and thus increase advertising effectiveness. Increasing diversification of revenue streams into areas such as cloud services and e-commerce could also help support growth.

The Next 7 Years (2030): Overcoming Challenges and Adapting

By 2030, Google's advertising revenue could continue to grow to $300-320 billion. During this period, the ability to respond to changing user expectations and privacy requirements will be critical. Google could increasingly rely on personalized but ethical advertising strategies to maintain user trust.

Towards 2050: resilience and sustainable growth

By 2050, Google could increase its advertising revenue to between 350 and 380 billion US dollars. The company will need to focus on staying innovative both technologically and ethically. The ability to adapt to changing market trends and maintain an outstanding user experience will form the basis for sustained growth.

Conclusion: A journey into the unknown with achievable goals

The impressive history of Google's ad revenue will no doubt continue for years to come. While the company will face challenges, the forecast offers realistic growth opportunities. But despite all the figures, the future remains a blank slate. Google's ability to innovate and adapt will be key to whether the company can continue its success story.

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