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What role do Agile methods play in project management today?

08/23/2023 | By: FDS

Agile methods are a significant practice in project management today.

Agile methodologies are a set of approaches aimed at promoting flexibility, collaboration, continuous improvement and rapid delivery of products and services. Agile is based on the principles of the "Agile Manifesto" which focuses on the following values:

Individuals and interactions are more important than processes and tools. Working software is more important than comprehensive documentation. Cooperation with the customer is more important than contract negotiations. Responding to change is more important than following a plan. Agile methods encourage projects to be broken down into short, iterative development cycles (sprints) where priorities are regularly reviewed and teams can respond quickly to changes. A prominent example of an agile framework is Scrum, where the project is broken up into sprints of 1 to 4 weeks, and there are short daily meetings (daily stand-ups) to discuss progress and remove roadblocks.

Agile methods have gained importance in many industries and companies in recent years. They offer some advantages like:

Better adaptability to changing requirements and circumstances. Early and continuous delivery of workable products or services. Improved transparency and communication between team members and the customer. Continuous improvement and adjustment based on customer feedback and experiences. It can be expected that Agile methodologies will continue to play an important role in project management as they have proven to be powerful and effective in tackling complex and dynamic challenges. However, you should always consult current sources to keep up to date with the latest developments, as business practices and technology may be constantly evolving.

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Slight increase in consumer bankruptcies in the 1st quarter of 2023 in Berlin

08/22/2023 | By: FDS

The Berlin-Brandenburg Statistics Office today published the latest data on consumer insolvencies in the first quarter of 2023. A total of 1,043 insolvency proceedings were filed against "other debtors" (including shareholders, formerly self-employed persons, consumers and estates) from January to March. This marks an increase of 2.6 percent compared to the previous year.

Outstanding accounts receivable for the period amounted to EUR 77.5 million, a decrease of 4.6 percent compared to the same period last year when accounts receivable amounted to EUR 81.2 million.

987 of the requested procedures were opened. In 40 cases, however, the case was dismissed for lack of assets, since the debtor's assets were not sufficient to cover the costs of the proceedings. In addition, 16 procedures were completed with the acceptance of a confirmed debt settlement plan.

The proceedings were spread across different groups of debtors. In the first quarter of 2023, a total of 286 insolvent former self-employed were recorded, which corresponds to an increase of 38.2 percent compared to 2022. The liabilities of this group increased by 4.0 percent to EUR 43.9 million. In contrast, 733 procedures were opened against consumers affected by insolvency, which represents a decrease of 7.2 percent compared to the previous year. The liabilities of this group fell by 8.8 percent to EUR 32.0 million. The average debt per consumer was around EUR 43,600, slightly below the level of the previous year.

Looking at consumer bankruptcies by district, most cases were recorded in Marzahn-Hellersdorf and Lichtenberg, with 98 and 82 applications, respectively. The lowest number of over-indebted people was reported in Steglitz-Zehlendorf with 36 cases. With regard to the average debt per consumer procedure, Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf and Tempelhof-Schoeneberg stood out with values ​​of around EUR 87,100 and EUR 57,300, which clearly exceeded the state average.

An important comment on the interpretation of the data concerns the development of consumer insolvencies since mid-2020. This should be seen in connection with a change in the law that provides for a gradual reduction in residual debt discharge procedures from six to three years. This new regulation applies to consumer insolvency proceedings that have been filed since October 1, 2020. It enables those affected to start a new business faster after the insolvency proceedings have been completed. This could explain why many over-indebted private individuals temporarily withheld their bankruptcy applications in order to benefit from the new regulation. From the beginning of 2021, these "catch-up effects" led to a sharp increase in consumer bankruptcies, which has apparently leveled off in the meantime.

Overall, the figures for consumer bankruptcies in the first quarter of 2023 in Berlin illustrate the complex economic challenges faced by individuals and formerly self-employed in an ever-changing economic landscape.

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Why there are so many fake job postings

08/22/2023 | By: FDS

In the modern world of work, finding a suitable job is often a challenging task. In addition to high competition and increasing demands from employers, job seekers also have to contend with another problem: the rise of fake job postings. These fake job postings can be harmful to both applicants and companies. In this article, we take a closer look at why there are so many fake job postings these days.

Fraudulent intentions:

One of the main reasons fake job postings are popping up is due to fraudulent intentions. Scammers use fake job postings to harvest personal information from job seekers, such as identity theft or credit card fraud. In some cases, applicants are even asked to pay a fee to apply for a supposed job that doesn't exist.

Data and information theft:

Employers are often looking for talent to hire at their companies. In doing so, some companies may use fake job postings to obtain valuable information about their competitors. Applicants may unknowingly disclose sensitive information that is then used by dishonest companies for their own purposes.

Image and brand abuse:

Some fake job postings are created by scammers to abuse the image of reputable companies. By using well-known company names, they try to gain the trust of applicants and deceive them. This can not only damage the reputation of the company in question, but also cause confusion among applicants.

Collecting applicant data:

Some companies use fake job ads to build a database of potential applicants. This data can later be used for other purposes or even sold. It is important for applicants to be careful about who they disclose their personal information to.

Test runs for internal purposes:

In some cases, companies might create fake job postings to test internal processes. This may be the case when a company wants to improve its recruitment process but has no real positions to fill. This practice is controversial, as applicants may invest time and effort without receiving real job opportunities.

How can applicants protect themselves from fake job postings?

Verify the source of the job posting: research the company and the contact information provided to ensure it is a reputable employer.

Do not disclose personal information: reputable employers will not usually ask for sensitive data such as social security numbers or credit card information early in the application process.

Pay attention to spelling and grammar: Often fake job postings contain errors and inconsistencies that can indicate their authenticity.

Use trusted job portals: Use well-known job boards and career platforms to increase your chances of finding legitimate offers.


Fake job postings are an unfortunate reality in today's workforce. Applicants should be vigilant and aware that not all job postings are legitimate. By being mindful and using common sense, potential victims of fraud and data abuse can better protect themselves and increase their chances of finding genuine and rewarding career opportunities. At the same time, it's important that companies proactively address misuse of their brands to maintain the trust of applicants and customers.

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ChatGPT in public relations - These application areas exist

08/22/2023 | By: FDS

Chatbots like ChatGPT find various applications in public relations (also called public relations or PR). Here are some examples:

Customer communication: chatbots can be used on websites or social media to interact with customers, answer questions, offer support, and provide information about products or services.

Crisis communications: during a crisis or emergency, chatbots can be used to communicate quick and consistent information to the public. This can help curb rumors and maintain people's trust.

Media inquiries: chatbots can help journalists and members of the media quickly access press releases, fact sheets, or other relevant information.

Event announcements: Chatbots can be used to announce events, webinars, conferences, or press conferences and register interested attendees.

Content dissemination: Chatbots can help journalists and media representatives quickly access press releases, fact sheets, or other relevant information.

Content dissemination: chatbots can share content such as blog posts, articles or updates via social media to increase the reach and visibility of PR content.

Market research: chatbots can gather feedback from customers and target audiences to gain insights into their opinions, concerns and desires. This information can be used to adjust PR strategy.

Image cultivation: Chatbots can help promote a positive image of a company or organization by continuously sharing positive information and stories.

Personalization: by analyzing user behavior and interests, chatbots can provide personalized recommendations for content or products, deepening the relationship between the organization and its target audience.

Storytelling: Chatbots can tell stories or provide interactive experiences to increase audience engagement and deliver brand messages in an entertaining way.

Data collection and analytics: chatbots can collect valuable data about user behavior, interactions, and preferences that can be used in PR strategy and market research.

Follow-up and tracking: After press releases or articles are published, chatbots can be used to perform follow-ups to see how well certain messages are being received or if there are any queries. The chatbots can also be used to track the response of users to a press release or article.

It's important to note that while chatbots can provide many public relations benefits, they also need to be implemented carefully to ensure they provide relevant, useful, and authentic interactions.

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Despite the economic downturn, digital advertising continues to grow. PwC study forecasts revenues of US$663 billion from digital advertising by 2027

08/22/2023 | By: FDS

Despite economic uncertainties, the digital advertising industry remains on an impressive growth trajectory. According to a recent study by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), global digital advertising revenues are expected to reach $663 billion by 2027. This encouraging scenario will particularly benefit companies that specialize in AI-powered solutions to automate and optimize digital marketing activities.

Last year, digital advertising proved to be a definitive growth factor in the entertainment and media industry. According to PwC's "Global Entertainment & Media Outlook 2023-2027," global revenues in this segment rose 8.0 percent to $484 billion in 2022. Although the pace of growth is expected to slow slightly in the coming years, the general upward trend will remain. PwC's estimates suggest that global Internet advertising revenue in the entertainment and media segment could grow at a compound annual growth rate of 6.5 percent through 2027, representing potential revenue of $663 billion.

Despite economic uncertainties, the digital advertising industry remains on an impressive growth trajectory. According to a recent study by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), global digital advertising revenues are expected to reach $663 billion by 2027. This encouraging scenario will particularly benefit companies that specialize in AI-powered solutions to automate and optimize digital marketing activities.

Last year, digital advertising proved to be a definitive growth factor in the entertainment and media industry. According to PwC's "Global Entertainment & Media Outlook 2023-2027," global revenues in this segment rose 8.0 percent to $484 billion in 2022. Although the pace of growth is expected to slow slightly in the coming years, the general upward trend will remain. PwC's estimates suggest that global Internet advertising revenue in the entertainment and media segment could grow at a compound annual growth rate of 6.5 percent through 2027, representing potential revenue of $663 billion.

The positive forecast is based on the adaptation of advertising practices to the time customers spend on social media platforms, in apps, on retail platforms and on gaming websites. Digital advertising is becoming smarter, more efficient, more targeted, and more focused on specific incentives to buy.

The growth in digital advertising is expected to continue

An additional growth driver in the digital advertising industry is artificial intelligence (AI). The study by SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences shows that almost 95 percent of the marketing managers surveyed are convinced that AI will play an increasingly important role in marketing tasks in their companies. AI makes it possible not only to generate advertising content on platforms such as Amazon, Google, Facebook and Microsoft at lightning speed, but also to adapt it optimally to the individual needs of the user.

The digital advertising industry is thus not only demonstrating resilience in the face of economic turbulence, but is also being strengthened by innovative approaches and technologies such as artificial intelligence. This opens up opportunities for companies to benefit from continued growth and offer advanced solutions for the changing world of digital advertising.

In the past year, digital advertising proved to be a significant growth factor in the entertainment and media industry. According to PwC's "Global Entertainment & Media Outlook 2023-2027," global revenues in this segment grew 8.0 percent to $484 billion in 2022. Although the pace of growth is expected to slow slightly in the coming years, the general upward trend will remain. PwC's estimates suggest that global Internet advertising revenue in the entertainment and media segment could grow at a compound annual growth rate of 6.5 percent through 2027, representing potential revenues of $663 billion.

The positive forecast is based on the alignment of advertising practices with the amount of time customers spend on social media platforms, in apps, on retail platforms and on gaming websites. Digital advertising is becoming smarter, more efficient, more targeted, and more focused on specific incentives to buy.

The growth in digital advertising is expected to continue

An additional growth driver in the digital advertising industry is artificial intelligence (AI). The study by the SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences shows that almost 95 percent of the marketing managers surveyed are convinced that AI will have an increasing significance for marketing tasks in their companies. AI makes it possible not only to generate advertising content on platforms such as Amazon, Google, Facebook and Microsoft at lightning speed, but also to adapt it optimally to the individual needs of the user.

The digital advertising industry is thus not only demonstrating resilience in the face of economic turbulence, but is also being strengthened by innovative approaches and technologies such as artificial intelligence. This opens up opportunities for companies to benefit from continued growth and offer advanced solutions for the changing world of digital advertising.

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