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What is sales data?

08/28/2023 | By: FDS

Sales data refers to the information collected, processed and analyzed in connection with a company's sales process. This data provides insights into the performance and effectiveness of a sales team, as well as customer interactions and the sales process as a whole. Sales data can come from a variety of sources, including sales activity, customer data, orders, sales figures, revenue and more.

Here are some examples of sales data:

Customer data: Information about existing and potential customers, such as contact details, company details, purchase history, and preferences.

Sales activity: Data about sales activities, such as calls, emails, meetings, and presentations conducted by sales representatives.

Orders: Information about products or services ordered by customers, including product type, quantity, price, and time of delivery.

Sales activity data.

Sales figures: Data about the number of products sold or services completed over time.

Revenue data: Information about revenue generated from sales activities.

Sales Channels: Data about which channels (online stores, physical stores, affiliates, etc.) are used to process sales.

Sales performance: Information about the revenue generated from sales activities.

Sales performance: data that measures the performance of sales teams and reps, such as close rates, conversion rates, and revenue per sales rep.

Sales analytics: the analysis of sales data to identify trends, patterns, and opportunities that can help the company optimize its sales strategies.

Sales data plays a critical role in executive-level decision making. They enable companies to monitor, adjust, and optimize their sales strategies to increase customer satisfaction, drive revenue, and identify growth opportunities.

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Skills shortage & recruitment: Why media presence is essential in the fight for the best talent

08/28/2023 | By: FDS

Today's business world is characterized by increasing competition for highly skilled professionals. At a time when the shortage of top talent is being felt in various industries, companies have realized that attracting and retaining top-notch employees has become one of the biggest challenges. In this context, it has become evident that a strong media presence is a crucial factor to succeed in the battle for the best talent.

The importance of media presence

In recent years, the media has become a powerful tool to reach, inform and influence people. This power has also affected human resources. Today's professionals are tech-savvy, well-connected and informed. They use a variety of information sources to research, evaluate and select potential employers. A strong media presence, whether in the form of online articles, social media or corporate videos, allows companies to showcase their culture, values and opportunities to a wide audience.

Attracting the best talent

Companies that engage with the media signal not only their openness and transparency, but also their innovative spirit. They show that they keep up with the latest trends and developments in the industry. This is extremely attractive to qualified professionals, as they look for companies that not only offer them employment, but also open up opportunities for personal and professional development.

Building trust and credibility

A solid media presence helps build trust. When companies regularly publish content that offers insights into their work culture, employee success stories, and industry knowledge, it creates a connection with potential applicants. This, in turn, increases the company's credibility and helps make professionals more likely to choose to advance their careers within that organization.

Build long-term relationships

A successful media presence goes beyond simply recruiting talent. It allows companies to build long-term relationships with potential candidates. By regularly sharing useful and relevant content, companies can build a community of professionals who remain interested and engaged over the long term. These relationships can later lead to high-quality applications and successful hires.

In times of a shortage of skilled workers, media presence has become an indispensable tool in the recruitment arsenal. Companies that are visible in the media have a clear advantage in the competition for the best talent. The opportunity to showcase the company culture, capture the interest of professionals, build trust and establish long-term relationships makes investing in media presence a worthwhile strategy for any company looking to reach the top of the industry.

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What is media buying?

08/28/2023 | By: FDS

Media buying is a term from the field of marketing and refers to the process of buying advertising placements in various media channels. It can include traditional media such as television, radio, newspapers and magazines, as well as digital channels such as websites, social media and mobile apps.

The media buying process usually involves several steps. First, careful planning is done to define the target audience and identify the appropriate media channels. Then, budget allocation is done to efficiently use the available financial resources.

After that, the media buying process is completed.

After planning and budgeting, the actual implementation of the media buying process follows. This involves contacting media representatives or agencies, buying advertising placements and negotiating prices. The media buyer tries to obtain the best possible conditions for the desired advertising placements.

Once the ad placements are purchased, the media buyer monitors their performance and analyzes the results. This analysis makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the advertising and make adjustments as needed. For example, the media buyer can optimize the placement or frequency of the ads to achieve the desired marketing goals.

Media buying is an important component of many marketing campaigns, as it allows companies to communicate their messages to a wide audience and effectively reach their target audience.By using different media channels, companies can maximize their reach and engage potential customers on a variety of platforms.

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What is a Virtual Private Server (VPS)?

08/27/2023 | By: FDS

In today's digital world, Virtual Private Servers (VPS) have become an important part of web development, hosting and enterprise infrastructure. A Virtual Private Server is essentially a virtual machine that is created from a physical server and acts as a standalone server. Unlike a dedicated server, where a single physical machine is provisioned for a single website or application, a VPS shares a physical server with other VPSs, but with dedicated resources and an isolated environment.:

How a VPS works::

The technology behind a VPS is based on virtualization of server resources. A so-called hypervisor, a special software, enables the division of a physical server into several virtual machines. Each VPS receives a certain amount of processor power, RAM, storage space and network resources. These resources are operated independently from other VPSs on the same physical server. This creates a boundary between each VPS, and the performance of a website or application on one VPS is not affected by other VPSs on the same server.:

Advantages of a Virtual Private Server::

Cost savings: compared to dedicated servers, VPSs are generally less expensive. Since a physical server is split into multiple virtual machines, costs can be spread across users. This allows smaller businesses and individuals to take advantage of powerful server resources at an affordable price.:

Scalability: VPSs offer the ability to scale resources as needed. As website or application demands increase, CPU, RAM and storage can be easily adjusted without the need for a complete server change.:

Isolated environment: each VPS operates in an isolated environment. This means that actions or problems on one VPS do not affect other VPSs on the same physical server. This isolation provides improved security and stability.:

Administrator access: A VPS provides full root or administrator access to the virtual machine. This gives users full control over their operating system, software and configurations, allowing for customization and optimization.:

Flexibility: VPSs offer a variety of operating systems and software options for users to choose from. This allows the VPS to be customized to meet the specific needs of a website or application.:

Advantages of a Virtual Private Server::

Cost savings: Compared to dedicated servers, VPSs are usually. :

Application areas of VPS::

Web hosting: VPS are commonly used for web hosting services. Web hosting companies offer VPS plans to their customers to host their websites and applications. This allows website owners to use a more stable and powerful hosting environment than would be the case with shared hosting.:

Development environment: developers often use VPS as a test environment to develop and test new applications and software. The ability to create a variety of configurations and operating systems makes VPS an ideal place for developers to work on and test their projects.:

Enterprise infrastructure: many enterprises use VPS as part of their internal infrastructure. This can include the provisioning of enterprise applications, databases, email and other IT services. By using VPS, enterprises can better manage their resources and improve the security and scalability of their IT systems.:


At a time when online presence and digital services are playing an increasingly important role, a virtual private server has become an indispensable tool. The advantages of VPSs - cost-effective scalability, isolated environment, full administrator access and flexibility - make them an attractive option for individual users, developers and enterprises. Whether for web hosting, development projects, or as part of the corporate infrastructure, VPSs offer a powerful and efficient solution to the demanding needs of today's digital world.:

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What is the benefit of a CDN (Content Delivery Network) like Cloudflare?

08/26/2023 | By: FDS

A content delivery network (CDN) like Cloudflare offers a variety of benefits for website owners and online services. Here are some of the key benefits of a CDN like Cloudflare:

Speeding up load times: A CDN has servers in various locations around the world. When a user accesses your website, the content is delivered from a server near the user, resulting in faster load times. This reduces latency and ensures that content is displayed quickly.:

Reduction in server load: since the CDN handles most of the static content on your website (such as images, CSS files, JavaScript, etc.), the load on your website's main servers is reduced. This improves the scalability and stability of your website, especially when traffic is high.:

Higher availability: By distributing your content across different server locations, you increase resilience. If a server goes down or a particular data center is unavailable, the CDN can still deliver content from other servers.:

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Protection: Cloudflare also offers DDoS protection that protects your website from excessive traffic and potentially harmful attacks. Cloudflare can filter traffic and forward legitimate requests to your website while blocking malicious traffic.:

Security and privacy: Cloudflare offers several security features, including web application firewall (WAF), SSL certificates, and HTTPS support, to ensure your users' privacy and protect against threats.:

Analytics and statistics: a CDN can give you detailed insights into your website's traffic, including information about the number of visitors, countries of origin, most popular content, etc.:

IPv6 support: some CDNs, including Cloudflare, support IPv6, which is an important technology to handle the growth of the Internet and provide more IP addresses.:

In summary, a CDN like Cloudflare can improve your website's performance and security, better manage traffic, and overall optimize your website for users around the world. It is an extremely useful technology that is used by many major websites and online services to ensure a better user experience.:

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