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How do large language models (LLMs) work?

08/30/2023 | By: FDS

Large Language Models (LLMs) are artificial intelligence systems designed to understand and generate natural language. They are based on deep neural networks, specifically an architecture called Transformer.

The way LLMs work can be roughly divided into three steps: Training, Coding, and Decoding.

Training: LLMs are trained with large amounts of text data, which can come from various sources such as books, articles, web pages, forums, etc. This text data serves as the training dataset. During training, the model learns the statistical relationships, patterns, and structures of the language.

Coding: once the LLM is trained, an input in the form of text is given to the model. The text is broken down into tokens, which are individual words or subwords. Each token is then converted into a numerical vector that serves as input to the neural network. The model processes these vectors in layers of neurons and computes complex mathematical operations to recognize patterns and meanings in the text.

Decoding: after the input is encoded, the model can generate a response or a continuation of the text. This step is called decoding. The model calculates the probabilities for different words or tokens that could come next, and selects the most likely token based on those probabilities. This process is repeated iteratively to generate the text incrementally.

The power of LLMs relies on the enormous size of the neural network and the amount of training data. By training on large data sets, LLMs can learn a wide range of knowledge about language and the world. They can answer questions, compose texts, perform translations, simulate dialogues, and much more.

It is important to note that LLMs base their answers solely on statistical relationships in the training data set. They have no actual understanding of meaning or context, and thus can sometimes generate incorrect or inappropriate responses.

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Why real companies post fake jobs - THIS is really behind it

08/30/2023 | By: FDS

In today's digital era, where jobs are fiercely contested and competition in the job market is ever-increasing, many job seekers are struggling with a disturbing trend: real companies posting what appear to be fake jobs. These are job openings that look appealing, but in reality do not exist or have already been filled internally. Such a practice may seem ethically questionable at first glance, but there are a few reasons why companies resort to it. In this article, we'll take a look behind the scenes and find out what's really behind it.

Building talent pools:

One of the main motivations for real companies to post fake jobs is to build a qualified talent pool. By collecting applications for non-existent jobs, they can identify potential candidates and store them in their database. Later, when a suitable position becomes available, they can immediately access this pre-qualified pool and speed up the recruiting process.

Image building and market research:

Posting job ads, even if there are no immediate plans to hire, can serve to strengthen the company's image as an attractive employer. Additionally, they gain insight into the labor market, demand for specific skills, and competition in the industry.

Covert investigations:

In some cases, fake job ads can also be used by real companies to spy on employees or competitors. For example, by mentioning specific skills or technologies in the ad, they can check if their competitors are looking for similar skills or if internal information is leaked.

Budgets and compliance:

Sometimes companies need to spend their HR management budgets to avoid cutting their funding for the next year. By posting job ads and interviewing candidates, they can justify their budgets and may receive increased funding in the future. In addition, some companies must meet certain regulatory requirements and receive a minimum number of applications for certain positions.

Flexibility and planning ahead:

The world of work is dynamic and ever-changing. Companies can maintain flexible workforce planning by advertising fake jobs. This allows them to respond quickly to unexpected staffing needs without losing valuable time on job postings.

Although the practice of posting fake jobs is considered unethical by some, real companies may actually have legitimate reasons for doing so. It is important to emphasize that companies should not deceive or mislead their applicants. Communication should be transparent, and applicants should be notified early on if the job is no longer available.

For job seekers, it remains advisable to be vigilant when applying for a job. Research companies in advance, check their online presence, and use personal networks to learn about potential employers. That way, you can focus your time and effort on seizing real job opportunities and advancing your career.

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What are sales addresses?

08/29/2023 | By: FDS

Sales addresses are contact details of potential customers or business partners used by a company or organization to sell products or services. These addresses can include physical locations, phone numbers, email addresses, or other contact information that enables the sales team to make direct contact and conduct sales calls.

Sales addresses are an important part of the sales process. Companies collect and manage these addresses in a database or customer relationship management (CRM) system to identify and qualify potential customers and develop effective sales strategies. By using sales addresses, companies can better target their marketing and sales activities to reach the right customers and close more successful sales deals.

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What are the biggest mistakes when placing Youtube ads?

08/29/2023 | By: FDS

When placing YouTube ads, there are several mistakes that can be made that can negatively impact the effectiveness and success of the campaign. Here are some of the biggest mistakes that can be made:

Missing targeting: if targeting is not configured properly, ads may be served to the wrong audience. This can lead to low engagement and low conversion rates.

Inadequate ad preparation: Poor design or uninteresting content in the ads may fail to capture viewers' attention. It is important to create engaging and relevant ads to capture viewers' interest.

Missing Call-to-Action (CTA): A clear and compelling call-to-action in the ad is critical to getting viewers to respond to the ad. Without a clear CTA, the ad may miss its mark.

Missing monitoring and optimization: continuous monitoring and optimization of ad campaigns is important to maximize success. Failure to make adjustments to respond to ad performance can result in wasted budgets and ineffective advertising.

Ignoring Analytics Data: YouTube provides detailed analytics data for ad campaigns. If this data is not regularly reviewed and analyzed, it can be difficult to measure campaign success and make necessary adjustments.

Wrong message or tone of voice: It is important to understand the target audience and choose a message and tone of voice that matches. A poorly chosen or inappropriate message can deter audience interest.

Advertisements that are too long or too short: The length of the ad is critical. If the ad is too long, it can bore viewers and make them skip it. On the other hand, an ad that is too short may not convey enough information to keep viewers interested.

It is important to avoid these mistakes and conduct thorough planning, monitoring, and optimization of YouTube ad campaigns to achieve the best possible results.

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What do you need to know about SaaS in B2B?

08/29/2023 | By: FDS

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) has become one of the most important technologies in the business-to-business (B2B) market. Companies are increasingly turning to SaaS solutions to optimize their business processes, increase productivity and reduce costs. But what exactly is behind the term SaaS in B2B? In this article, we will take a close look at what SaaS means in the B2B context and what benefits it offers to businesses.

What is SaaS?

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is a delivery model for software where applications are hosted over the Internet and made available to users via the web. Unlike traditional software licensing, which requires the software to be installed on users' computers, SaaS applications can be used by companies over the Internet without requiring additional hardware or complex installations.

How does SaaS work in the B2B sector?

In B2B, SaaS enables companies to access powerful applications and services that are specifically tailored to business needs. The software is typically hosted and maintained by a provider, while customers access the application over the Internet. Data is stored securely in the cloud, allowing users to access the software from anywhere, at any time.

Advantages of SaaS in B2B:

1. Lower costs

SaaS applications offer the advantage that companies do not need an expensive infrastructure or IT department to implement and maintain the software. Billing is usually on a monthly or annual basis, making costs more predictable and avoiding investments in software licenses.

2. Flexibility and scalability

SaaS providers allow companies to scale their software usage as needed. As the company grows or changes in size, additional licenses or features can be easily added. At the same time, unused licenses can be reduced or cancelled to optimize costs.

3. Up-to-dateness and updates

The responsibility for maintenance and updates of the software lies with the SaaS provider. This means that companies always have access to the latest versions of the applications without the need for additional updates or patches.

4. Access from anywhere

SaaS applications are accessible via the Internet, allowing users to access them from virtually any device with an Internet connection. This enables employees to work efficiently while on the go.

5. Security and data protection

Serious SaaS providers place great emphasis on security and data protection. Data is stored in high-security data centers and backed up regularly. In addition, companies do not have to worry about the theft or loss of corporate data because everything is secured in the cloud.


SaaS has become an integral part of the B2B market, offering businesses numerous benefits, including cost savings, flexibility, security and access from anywhere. The continued evolution of SaaS technology is expected to produce even more innovative solutions to meet the needs of businesses. Therefore, enterprises should carefully explore and consider SaaS opportunities to optimize their business processes and strengthen their competitiveness.

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