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Salary report: Income of freelancers in public media such as ARD or ZDF in Germany in 2024

01/26/2024 | By: FDS

The work of freelancers is an essential part of the media industry, including in public broadcasters such as ARD (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland) and ZDF (Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen). But what will the income of freelancers at these institutions be like in 2024? A closer look at the current situation provides insights into the remuneration practices of freelancers in public service media in Germany.

The importance of freelancers

Freelancers help to expand the editorial output of public service media and are often specialized experts in their field. Their flexibility enables broadcasters to respond flexibly to current events and special projects

Remuneration range in Germany in 2024

The remuneration for freelancers at ARD, ZDF and similar institutions varies in 2024 and depends on various factors. Incomes can vary greatly depending on qualifications, experience, type of contribution and the respective editorial team

Fees per contribution or hour

Freelance employees in public media often receive fees per contribution or hour. The amount of these fees can vary greatly and is usually between €50 and €200 per contribution or €20 and €70 per hour

Influence of qualifications and experience

Qualifications and experience play a decisive role in determining the remuneration for freelancers. Specialized expertise or many years of experience can lead to higher fees.

Project-related remuneration and contract modalities

Freelancers often receive project-related remuneration. Contract terms can vary and may include additional benefits such as the assumption of travel expenses or the provision of technical equipment by the media institution.

Challenges for freelancers

Freelancers often face the challenge of generating a stable income, as their remuneration depends on the number of contributions produced or hours worked. This can bring uncertainty, but also the opportunity to explore different projects and subject areas.

Transparency and discussion

Transparency about the remuneration situation for freelancers in public service media is increasingly being discussed. Some broadcasters rely on transparent fee structures to ensure fair and open remuneration practices.


The remuneration situation for freelancers in public media in Germany is diverse and dependent on various factors. Despite the challenges, working as a freelancer offers the opportunity to expand your own portfolio and collaborate with renowned media organizations. The discussion about transparent and fair remuneration structures is likely to continue in the media industry.

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