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Salary report: Income of freelance management consultants, coaches and consultants in Germany 2024

01/26/2024 | By: FDS

The demand for freelance management consultants, coaches and consultants remains high in the German economy, as companies are increasingly relying on external expertise to overcome challenges and drive innovation. But what will the income of these freelance consultants be like in 2024? A look at the latest salary report provides insights into the situation.

Trend towards freelance consulting services

The dynamics of the job market have changed and more and more experienced professionals are opting for self-employment. Freelance management consultants, coaches and consultants offer tailor-made services to help companies with strategic alignment, organizational development and individual employee development.

Average income in Germany in 2024

In 2024, the average income of freelance management consultants, coaches and consultants in Germany varies depending on experience, expertise and industry specialization. The salary range is between €70,000 and €120,000 per year. This range reflects the wide range of services and requirements faced by freelance consultants.

Experience and expertise as influencing factors

Experienced consultants with an extensive track record and expertise in high-demand areas such as change management, leadership development or digitalization strategies tend to be able to negotiate higher salaries. Average earnings can rise to €150,000 or more, especially when demand for specialized skills is high.

Industry-specific differences

Income can also depend heavily on the industry in which the freelance consultant works. Consultants in high-growth sectors such as technology, healthcare or renewable energy often have the opportunity to charge higher fees.

Regional differences

The regional distribution of salaries varies in Germany. In economic centers such as Frankfurt, Munich or Berlin, incomes can tend to be higher than in more rural areas.

Contract type and negotiation skills

The type of contract, be it project-based or hourly-based, as well as the negotiation skills of the consultant play a crucial role in determining the income. A clearly defined contract with clear objectives and deliverables can contribute to an attractive overall package.


Freelance management consultants, coaches and consultants in Germany play a central role in the design and implementation of corporate strategies. Their income reflects the high demand for their customized services. With the increasing complexity of the business world and the need for individual expertise, the importance of freelance consultants is likely to continue to grow. Companies are willing to pay reasonable compensation for qualified and experienced consultants who help them navigate and thrive in an ever-changing business environment. Salary development therefore remains a fascinating topic in the field of management consulting.

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