
Knowledge Base

What is the maximum likelihood method and how is it used?

09/12/2023 | By: FDS

The maximum likelihood (ML) method is a statistical technique for estimating the parameters of a probability distribution based on observed data. It is used in various areas of statistics and machine learning.

The basic idea of ​​the ML method is to choose the parameters of a distribution in such a way that the observed data is the most likely. The probability is expressed by the likelihood function. The likelihood function indicates how probable the observed data is given certain parameter values.

The estimation process of the ML method consists of the following steps:

Assume a Probability Distribution: First, a probability distribution is chosen that represents the model for the data. For example, one might assume that the data follows a normal distribution.

Construction of the likelihood function: Based on the assumption of the distribution model, the likelihood function is constructed. This function gives the probability of the observed data depending on the parameters of the distribution.

Maximization of the likelihood function: The parameter values ​​are chosen in such a way that the likelihood function is maximized. This can be achieved using optimization methods such as the Newton-Raphson method or the gradient descent method.

Estimation of the parameters: After the likelihood function has been maximized, one obtains the estimated parameter values ​​that best explain the observed data.

The ML method has many applications, including estimating parameters in linear regressions, logistic regressions, Gaussian mixtures, and many other statistical models. It is also used in machine vision, speech recognition, text analysis, and other machine learning areas to fit models to data and make predictions.

It is important to note that the ML method is based on certain assumptions and is not always the best estimation method for all situations. In some cases, other estimation methods such as Bayesian estimation or robust estimation methods may be more advantageous.

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Journalist databases - Where does the data come from? PR software gives the answer

09/12/2023 | By: FDS

In today's digital era, journalists and PR professionals alike depend on comprehensive information to operate successfully. PR software is an indispensable tool for making the right contacts in the media industry. But the question of where the data in these databases comes from often remains obscure.

The importance of journalist databases

Journalist databases are databases that contain information about journalists, editors and other media contacts. PR professionals use them to send targeted press releases, manage media contacts and maximize their media reach

Where does the data come from?

The origin of data in journalist databases has long been a mystery to many user:ins. However, PR software provider FDS has begun to shed light on the subject: Because not only access to databases, but also transparency about the sources of the information is important to many.

Transparent data sources

Most PR software vendors use a combination of publicly available sources and direct contact with journalists and media organizations to create and update their databases. Here are some of the most common data sources:

Publicly available information: This is data that is freely available on the Internet, such as articles, blogs, social media profiles, and biographies on media websites.

Journalists' self-disclosures: many journalists actively contribute to updating their profile information on PR platforms to ensure they can be reached for relevant inquiries.

Media organizations: PR software providers often have direct partnerships with media organizations that give them access to up-to-date contact information for journalists.

User contributions: Some platforms allow users to contribute missing or updated information to journalist profiles in order to keep databases current. Public relations software providers often have direct partnerships with media organizations.


Journalist databases are essential for PR professionals and journalists alike. With FDS's Media & PR Database, you can take your press relations to the next level and distribute your news in an up-to-date and targeted manner.

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Non-stop ideas - no more writer's block: These techniques also help without ChatGPT

09/12/2023 | By: FDS

Writer's block is probably one of the most frustrating experiences of any writer, whether a professional writer, a journalist, or someone who just writes occasionally. The staring blank sheet of paper or the blinking cursor on the screen can be a real hurdle. But there is hope: with some proven techniques, you can overcome writer's block and get creative ideas flowing again, all without the help of AI models like ChatGPT.

1. Freewriting: one of the most effective methods to get the creative juices flowing again is freewriting. This involves sitting down for a certain amount of time - about 10 to 15 minutes - and just writing away. It's important to turn off your inner critic and not worry about spelling or grammar. Often, unexpected ideas or approaches emerge that can be elaborated on later.

2. Mind mapping: creating mind maps can also help generate ideas. You start with a central theme or keyword and then draw branches to related terms, ideas, or associations. This visual representation can stimulate the thinking process and reveal hidden connections between different concepts.

3. Reading and researching: Often reading books, articles, or blogs on a particular topic can open up new perspectives. Research thoroughly and jot down interesting facts, quotes, or opinions that can serve as a starting point for your own work.

4. Walks and physical activity: It may sound surprising, but exercise can stimulate creativity. A walk in nature or a short exercise session can free the mind and stimulate fresh thoughts.

5. Writing rituals: Create a pleasant atmosphere for writing, whether by lighting a candle, listening to certain music, or drinking a cup of tea. Through such rituals, you signal to your brain that it's time to get creative.

6. Change of perspective: look at the subject from a different perspective. Imagine you are someone else-a child, an alien, or a historical figure-and think about how that person would approach the topic.

7. Writing exercises: There are numerous writing exercises that can help get the writing flow going again. For example, you can pick a random line from a book and develop a new story based on it.

8. Daily journal: Keeping a daily journal can not only be therapeutic, but also help you capture ideas. Write a few pages a day about your thoughts, observations, or experiences - unexpected ideas may emerge.

9. Discussions and brainstorming: Sharing ideas with others can be extremely fruitful. Organize a discussion or brainstorming session with colleagues or friends to get new perspectives on the topic.

10. Time management: Set clear time limits for writing. Sometimes the pressure of completing a task in a limited amount of time can make ideas flow faster.

It is important to emphasize that writer's block is normal and every writer encounters it occasionally. The techniques mentioned above can help overcome these hurdles and restore the flow of writing. While AI models like ChatGPT are undoubtedly useful tools, they should not be considered the only solution to creative challenges. With the right techniques and some practice, any writer can improve their ability to brainstorm ideas and produce text.

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How can amateur photographers send photos to newspapers or editors for publication?

09/12/2023 | By: FDS

Sending photos to newspapers for publication as an amateur photographer requires a bit of research and preparation. Here are some steps that can help you:

Choose target newspaper: Find newspapers or magazines that might be a good fit for your photos. Think about what topics and sections your photos cover and which newspaper would be best for them.

Research contact information: Look for contact information for the newspaper's editorial or photo editor. You can often find this information on the newspaper's website or call the editor to find out.

Select and prepare photos: Select some of your best photos that might be of interest to the target newspaper. Edit them, if necessary, to improve their quality.

Add image description and information: Write a brief but meaningful image description for each photo. Also add relevant information, such as the location and date the photo was taken, and the people or events that are in the picture.

Provide accompanying text or article: If you have background information on the photos or have a story related to them, offer a brief accompanying text or article that might increase interest in the photos.

Send request by email or mail: Send your photos, photo descriptions and any additional information in a clear, professional email to the editor. Alternatively, you can send a letter with a CD or USB stick containing the photos.

Clear copyright and rights: When you send your photos to the newspaper, you should make sure that you own the copyright to the images and that you give the newspaper permission to publish them. It is customary to have a written agreement to record the rights and terms.

Be patient: It may take some time before you get a response from the newspaper. Be patient and wait for a response. You may also have to write to several newspapers before you get a positive response.

Follow-up: If you haven't received a response after some time, you can politely send a query to make sure your email or letter arrived and if the photos were reviewed.

Keep in mind that not all photos are selected for publication and that the decision often depends on the editorial team and their need and interest in your images. Keep at it and don't give up if your photos aren't selected right away. With time and experience, you can improve your chances of being published.

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What types of sampling methods are there, and when is which most appropriate?

09/12/2023 | By: FDS

There are several types of sampling procedures used in statistics. The selection of the appropriate procedure depends on several factors, such as the type of population, available resources, and the specific objective of the study. Here are some common sampling methods and their applications:

Simple random sampling: each element of the population has an equal chance of being included in the sample. This method is well suited when the population is homogeneous and has no special structure.

Layered sampling: the population is divided into different homogeneous groups or strata, and a random sample is drawn from each stratum. This method is suitable when the population contains different subgroups and one wants to ensure that each group is adequately represented in the sample.

Lumped sampling.

Clump sampling: the population is divided into clusters or clumps, and some clumps are randomly selected and fully sampled. This method is suitable when the population is divided into naturally occurring groups or clusters, and the clumps have a similar structure to the overall population.

Systematic sampling: The elements of the population are arranged in a certain order and every kth element is included in the sample. This method is well suited when the population has a certain order or periodicity.

Multi-stage sampling: the population is divided into successive stages, with coarser units selected first and then progressively finer units. This method is suitable when there is a hierarchy in the population, such as in surveys where specific regions are selected first, then households, and finally individuals.

Quota sampling: sample selection is based on predefined quotas to ensure that certain characteristics are represented in the sample. This method is suitable when certain subgroups should be overrepresented in the sample.

Quality sampling.

The choice of the appropriate sampling procedure should be made carefully, taking into account the factors mentioned above, in order to obtain a sample that is representative of the population as a whole and allows reliable conclusions to be drawn.

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