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Wie pflegt man Pressekontakte zu Journalist:innen erfolgreich?

05/15/2023 | By: FDS

Die Pflege von Pressekontakten zu Journalist:innen ist für Unternehmen und Organisationen ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Eine erfolgreiche Pressearbeit hängt stark von der Qualität der Beziehungen zu Journalist:innen ab. Hier sind einige Tipps, um Pressekontakte erfolgreich zu pflegen:

Verstehen Sie die Bedürfnisse der Journalist:innen: Um Pressekontakte erfolgreich zu pflegen, ist es wichtig, die Bedürfnisse der Journalist:innen zu verstehen. Versetzen Sie sich in ihrer Lage und überlegenen Sie, welche Informationen und Geschichten für sie von Interesse sein könnten.

Bieten Sie Mehrwert: Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie den Journalist:innen stets aktuelle und relevante Informationen und Geschichten bieten, die ihnen einen Mehrwert liefern. Überlegen Sie, wie Sie mit Ihrer Expertise und Ihren Erfahrungen dazu beitragen können, dass eine Geschichte spannender und informativer wird.

Pflegen Sie regelmäßigen Kontakt: Um eine dauerhafte Beziehung aufzubauen, ist es wichtig, regelmäßigen Kontakt zu halten. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie auf aktuelle Entwicklungen oder Ereignisse reagieren und den Journalist:innen bei Bedarf schnell und effektiv Informationen zur Verfügung stellen.

Zeigen Sie Interesse: Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie sich für die Arbeit der Journalist:innen interessieren. Verfolgen Sie ihre Artikel und Beiträge und zeigen Sie Interesse an ihrem Arbeitsfeld und ihren Schwerpunkten.

Seien Sie transparent: Es ist wichtig, dass Sie immer transparent und ehrlich kommunizieren. Wenn es einmal Schwierigkeiten oder Probleme gibt, ist es besser, diese offen anzusprechen und gemeinsame Lösungen zu finden.

Nutzen Sie verschiedene Kanäle: Verwenden Sie verschiedene Kanäle, um mit den Journalist:innen in Kontakt zu treten. Dazu können z.B. E-Mails, Telefonate, soziale Medien oder persönliche Treffen gehören. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die Kanäle wählen, die für die jeweilige Kontaktperson am besten geeignet sind.

Bedanken Sie sich: Zeigen Sie Ihre Wertschätzung, indem Sie sich bei den Journalist:innen bedanken, wenn sie eine Geschichte über Ihr Unternehmen oder Ihre Organisation veröffentlicht haben. Bedanken Sie sich auch für ihre Zeit, wenn Sie mit Ihnen gesprochen oder an einer Veranstaltung teilgenommen haben.

Indem Sie diese Tipps befolgen, können Sie Pressekontakte erfolgreich pflegen und eine positive Beziehung zu Journalist:innen aufbauen.

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What are typical problems when using Scrum or agile methods?

05/15/2023 | By: FDS

Although Scrum and agile methods have become very popular in software development and other projects, there are still some typical problems that can occur when using them. Here are some of the most common problems:


A common problem with using Scrum and agile methods is that the team and stakeholders may not be sufficiently familiar with the methodology, which can lead to delays and misunderstandings.

Lack of commitment: another issue is that the team may not be fully committed to using the agile methodology, which can cause them to fall back into old ways of working.

Complexity: Scrum and agile methodologies are meant for complex projects, which means they are not always appropriate for simple or small projects. In such cases, they can add unnecessary complexity.

Ineffective meetings: Scrum is based on regular meetings, which are essential for effective collaboration. However, when these meetings are ineffective or take too long, they can waste more time than they save.

Lack of flexibility: Agile methods rely on flexibility and adaptability to respond to changes in the project. However, if the team is too rigid in its approaches, it can result in not implementing changes quickly enough.

Missing planning: although Scrum and agile methods rely on an iterative and incremental way of working, it is still important that the team and stakeholders have an idea of where the project is going. Lack of planning can cause the team to stray from the goals of the project.

Inadequate communication: agile methods rely on open and effective communication between the team and stakeholders. If there are problems with this, it can lead to misunderstandings and mistakes.

However, these problems are not insurmountable, and there are many ways to solve or avoid them. Careful planning, training, and open communication are critical to working successfully with Scrum and agile methods.

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What is network competence?

05/15/2023 | By: FDS

Networking skills refer to the ability to interact effectively with others to establish and maintain mutually beneficial relationships. Networking competence encompasses a variety of skills and attributes, including the ability to socialize, build relationships, establish trust, present oneself, listen, give and receive feedback, communicate constructively, negotiate effectively, and resolve conflicts.

Good networking skills are critical in many professions and industries because they enable people to build and maintain business relationships, identify career opportunities, and advance their careers. Effective networking skills can also help people gain the trust and support of colleagues, supervisors, customers, and other key people, which can lead to successful professional relationships.

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What should be considered in agile project management?

05/15/2023 | By: FDS

Agile project management is a method that aims to increase the efficiency and flexibility of projects by responding to the needs and feedbacks of the customer. Here are some important points to consider when applying agile methods to project management:

Agile methods require a clear vision: a clear vision of the project, shared by all stakeholders, is essential for the success of agile projects. Everyone should know and understand the goal in order to focus on priorities and objectives.

Transparent communication is necessary: Agile methods require open and transparent communication within the team and with customers. Feedback from customers should be collected quickly and regularly, and integrated into the project.

Agile methods require close collaboration: an agile team works closely together to make quick decisions and adapt to changes. Collaboration and sharing knowledge and ideas within the team is essential.

Agile projects require flexible planning: planning in agile projects is done in short cycles. It is important to be flexible and ready to make changes and adjustments to adapt to changes in the project.

Agile methods rely on iteration and continuous improvement: in agile projects, the project is divided into smaller tasks and steps that are worked through in short intervals (sprints). At the end of each iteration, the result is evaluated and optimized to continuously improve the project.

Agile projects require a team that is self-organizing and self-responsible: an agile team should be able to plan and execute its tasks independently. Members should be self-responsible and take responsibility for their results.

Agile methods require the right tools: Agile project management tools such as Scrum boards, Kanban boards, or agile software tools can help facilitate team collaboration and keep track of the project's progress.

Agile methods require continuous reflection: the team should regularly reflect on the progress of the project and how they are working together to identify challenges and issues and implement improvements.

These points can help you plan and execute successful agile projects. However, it is important to note that agile methods are not suitable for all projects, and the team and organization must be willing to make the necessary changes and adjustments to work in an agile manner.

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How does Scrum work?

05/15/2023 | By: FDS

Scrum is an agile framework for the development and delivery of software and other products. The framework consists of three roles, five events, and three artifacts.

The three roles are:

Product Owner: The Product Owner is responsible for defining and prioritizing the requirements of the product.

Scrum Master: The Scrum Master is responsible for ensuring that the team adheres to Scrum practices and rules, and that the team is working effectively and productively.

Development Team: The Development Team is responsible for implementing the requirements and developing the product.

The five events are:

Sprint: A period of one to four weeks during which the development team does a lot of work and delivers a "finished" product increment.

Sprint Planning: a meeting at the beginning of the sprint where the team collectively goes over the requirements of the product and decides what tasks should be performed in that sprint.

Daily Scrum: A daily meeting where the team meets briefly to discuss the progress of the work and address obstacles.

Sprint Review: A meeting at the end of the sprint where the development team presents the finished product increment and receives feedback from the product owner and other stakeholders.

Sprint Review.

Sprint Retrospective: A meeting at the end of the sprint where the team reflects on the last sprint and its work process, and suggests improvements for the next sprint.

The three artifacts are:

Product Backlog: A list of all the requirements of the product, prioritized by the Product Owner.

Sprint Backlog: A list of all the tasks that the development team will perform in a sprint.

Product Increment: The deliverable of the sprint that represents a working piece of the product.

Scrum allows teams to be flexible and make changes during the development process, which is especially important in the fast-paced world of software development.

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